Forex Studie A To Z

Lernen Sie Forex - Online-Kurs für neue Händler Das Wort Forex ist eine Kontraktion der Worte Devisen ist es manchmal abgekürzt weiter, und einfach FX genannt. Forex bietet Chancen für Spekulationen, und das ist wahrscheinlich, was stimuliert Ihre Neugier. Forex ist einfach der Handel von Währungen. Im weitesten Sinne umfasst Forex alle kommerziellen und spekulativen Kauf und Verkauf von allen Welten Währungen, so dass es der größte Markt der Welt. In einem Devisenhandel wird eine Währung gekauft, während eine andere Währung gleichzeitig mit anderen Worten verkauft wird, eine Währung wird ausgetauscht. Der Begriff Forex bezieht sich ordnungsgemäß auf alle Devisenhandel irgendwo in der Welt getan, aber in der Praxis, und im Zusammenhang mit dieser Website wird das Wort oft verwendet, um speziell auf den Handel von Währungen von Spekulanten beziehen. Erstaunlicherweise hat sich der Devisenmarkt in der Größenordnung von 1,1 Billionen pro Tag auf 3,2 Billionen pro Tag in knapp über 10 Jahren verdreifacht, und es ist nur weit verbreitet seit etwa 20 Jahren, nach der jüngsten Triennale Umfrage der Bank für International Siedlungen. Im Vergleich dazu ist die gesamte Börsenaktivität weltweit rund 2,8 Milliarden pro Tag oder etwa zehnmal kleiner. Forex Spekulationen beinhalten Risiken, und inhärent in Risiko ist potenziellen Gewinn umso mehr gefährdet, desto mehr potenziellen Gewinn. Der Forex-Markt ist riesig: wirklich ein globaler Marktplatz, der die ganze Zeit betreibt, mit nur einer kurzen Abkühlungsperiode am Wochenende. Aufgrund dieser Größe und des globalen Umfangs können die Preise beobachtet und gehandelt, aber nicht leicht manipuliert werden. Forex-Raten können von Ereignissen in Ihrem Hinterhof oder irgendwo in der Welt betroffen sein. Wenn solche Ereignisse den Wert einer Währung beeinflussen, kann der Währungswert oftmals in einer bestimmten Richtung für einen bestimmten Zeitraum tendieren. Die Analyse der historischen Forex-Markt-Maßnahmen im Lichte der aktuellen Marktbedingungen (bekannt als technische Analyse), möglicherweise kombiniert mit der Berücksichtigung von globalen Veranstaltungen und Märkten (Fundamentalanalyse) kann helfen, die Forex-Spekulanten gewinnen Einblick in Devisenmärkte, die es dem Händler ermöglichen, Zukunft zu projektieren Preisbewegungen. Allerdings erfordert diese Einsicht und potenziellen Erfolg in Forex Spekulation Erfahrung, Engagement, Disziplin und eine vielleicht eine besondere Art von Intelligenz, und wird nur zu einer Investition in Zeit, Erfahrung und finanziellen Verlust kommen. Forex Trading ist nicht für jedermann, aber es kann eine Gelegenheit für Aufregung und Gewinn für die richtige Person leisten. Wo ist Forex Trade Besonders für private Spekulanten, Forex Trading erfolgt online. Die meisten privaten Forex-Händler nehmen von zu Hause oder im Büro, über ihre Internet-verbundenen Desktop-oder Laptop-Computer. In der Tat, das Internet hilft, das dramatische Wachstum der Fremdwährungsspekulation zu erklären. Einzelhändler, vielleicht wie Sie, auf der ganzen Welt können an diesem Online-Markt teilnehmen. Traditionsgemäß traten Futures und Aktienhandel nur in etablierten Börsen auf, wo die Parteien sich treffen und einem Handel zustimmen können. Im Laufe der Zeit haben diese Börsen strengen Vorschriften unterworfen, um die Aktivität zu überwachen und zu moderieren. Forex wird als Devisenhandel oder OTC (over-the-Counter) bezeichnet, da jede Partei direkt mit einander umgeht, wo immer sie auch sein mögen. Mit dieser Freiheit kommt ein gewisses Risiko, es unterliegt auch sehr begrenzten Vorschriften. Wie funktioniert der Forex-Markt Bis in die 1970er Jahre, und für die letzten 100 Jahre wurde der Wert der meisten Währungen in irgendeiner Weise an den Wert des Goldes gebunden. Im Jahr 1944 wurde dieser Goldstandard durch das Bretton-Woods-Abkommen ersetzt, das den US-Dollar gegen Gold und alle anderen Währungen gegenüber dem US-Dollar schätzte. Im Jahr 1975 fiel diese Vereinbarung auseinander und ein System von schwankenden Wechselkursen wurde weithin angenommen, was zu Schwankungen der Währungswerte in einem offenen Markt führte und die Grundlage für Devisenspekulationen legte. Heute erfolgt der Handel mit Fremdwährungen durch Spekulanten in der Regel durch einen Forex-Broker oder Händler, der die Handelsplattform zur Abwicklung von Forex Trades bietet. Solche Geschäfte treten in Währungspaaren auf, wie z. B. USDJPY (United States DollarsJapanese Yen). Beachten Sie, dass zwei Währungen immer in einem Forex-Handel beteiligt sind, wobei einer gekauft wird, während der andere verkauft wird. Der Devisenhändler wird in der Regel die gekaufte Währung (eine Position genannt) für einen Zeitraum von Zeit, die beabsichtigt zu profitieren, wenn die Preise der beiden Währungen ändern sich günstig. Die Transaktion ist abgeschlossen, oder die Position ist geschlossen, wenn die entgegengesetzte Währung gekauft und die andere verkauft wird. Der Gewinn wird durch den Unterschied im Kauf - und Verkaufspreis berechnet. Verschiedene Broker bieten verschiedene Dienstleistungen an, und Händler müssen vorsichtig sein, wenn ihr Makler ihre besten Interessen erfüllt. Jeder Broker bietet Demonstrations - oder Übungskonten, wo ein neuer Trader mit virtuellem Geld spielen kann, bis sie sich wohl fühlen, ein echtes Konto zu eröffnen. Die Analyse kann abgeschlossen werden und Bestellungen werden online gestellt, bei der Händler Anfrage. Warum Handel Forex Das Gewinnpotenzial ist, warum Teilnehmer auf den Markt kommen. Aber warum sollte ein Spekulant wählen, um Forex statt Aktien oder Futures Handel Forex bietet mehrere Vorteile gegenüber spekulativen Handel in Futures, Aktien und andere Aktien. Acht große Währungspaare dominieren die meisten Devisenhandel, so ist es ein viel einfacher Markt für die meisten Händler zu folgen. Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Trades beinhaltet den US-Dollar, während der Euro, das britische Pfund und der japanische Yen auch weitgehend gehandelt werden. Obwohl die meisten Währungsspekulationen zwischen einer relativ kleinen Anzahl von Währungen auftreten, bieten viele Brokerage den Handel in einer viel breiteren Palette von weniger häufig gehandelten Währungen an. Einige potenzielle Händler, die an der Spekulation teilnehmen möchten, werden von den niedrigen Kontoständen angezogen, die erforderlich sind, um ein Forex-Konto mit einigen Maklern zu eröffnen. Bitte lesen Sie weiter durch die verbleibenden Themen dieser Forex Education Abschnitt, um mehr zu lernen. Nach dem Eintritt in das Feld der tatsächlichen Handel. Nun, das geübte Handel auf die Art der Verwendung eines Kontos standardmäßig, zum Beispiel für mehrere Monate und hat sich zu einem Minimum an Erfahrung und eine Methode im Handel entwickelt hat, hängt von der spezifischen Weg in der Preisbewegungsanalyse und erwies sich Ihnen Auf diese Weise Wirksamkeit Ergebnisse eines guten Prozesses in der Standard-Konto und für einen relativ langen Zeitraum. Es ist nun fertig geworden, grundsätzlich der eigentliche Handel. Wenn Sie die vorherigen Regeln anwenden, geben Sie den Geldbetrag an, um ihn zu tauschen, und Sie wählen die Maklerfirma und eröffnen ein Konto mit ihnen, um mit der Minimierung zu beginnen, da jetzt die reale Reise in der Welt der spekulativen Börse von internationalen Währungen. Durch die Praxis, die Sie in der vorherigen Periode gemacht haben, ist eine gut versierte Kurswährungsbewegung geworden und wurde damit mit der Art der Risiken der Arbeit in diesem Bereich vertraut, wie Sie diese Risiken so weit wie möglich reduzieren können. Es gibt viele Regeln Das muss vor und während der Anmeldung der Transaktion befolgt werden, einschließlich: Die erste Regel: Verwenden Sie den Befehl, um den Verlust zu reduzieren. Zweite Regel: verliere nicht mehr als 2 - 2,5 deines Kontos pro Transaktion. Die dritte Regel: Verlassen auf die Analyse der Ein-und Ausreise. Die vierte Regel ist: falle nicht in einem Deal im Gegensatz zu Meilen Preis. Die fünfte Regel: Handel nicht zu solchen Zeiten und Bedingungen sind nicht angemessen. Und wir werden die Regeln von äußerster Wichtigkeit ausführlich erklären. Wird verwendet, um den Verlust zu reduzieren Eines der wichtigsten Regeln in Geschäften, die mit den Haltestellen handeln. Wir sprachen über die Seite Arten von Aufträgen für die Verringerung der Stop-Loss-Bestellung und bestellt Pena Grundregeln im Umgang mit ihm. In der Tat, unter allen Arten von Befehlen ist es, Verlust Reihenfolge zu reduzieren ist die wichtigste und am meisten notwendig. Denn die Verringerung der Schadensordnung ist die Hauptverteidigungslinie in deinem Schutz. Erwarten Sie nicht die ganze Zeit. Hat die Anstrengungen in der Analyse gefordert, aber ist, was macht die Preisbewegung geschieht beginnt in Maakcetk, wo Sie mit dem Verlust beginnen mit jedem Punkt neckt den Preis. Diese Sache wird in extremer Marktvolatilität als Marktwährungen erwartet. Hier kommt die Rolle der Verringerung der Verlust Reihenfolge, die den Deal schließen wird, bevor sie Ihren Verlust zu einem großen Teil zu multiplizieren. Setzen Sie die Verringerung der Verlust-Reihenfolge vor dem Eintritt in den Deal ist ein Rezept Profi. Danach analysiert die Geschäfte Preisbewegung einer Währung und entscheiden, auf der Grundlage dieser Analyse ist es, einen Deal Verkauf der Mutter von Hraoua bestimmen im Voraus wird der Punkt wird geschlossen werden dann die Deal im Falle eines Verlustes vor dem Eintritt in den Deal und Dass das zum Beispiel sagt: Ich denke, dass der Euro kurz nach so Sastraeh Preis steigen wird, aber wenn Sie nicht steigen, wie ich erwarte ich Saglq Verlust, wenn der Preis der Deal auch. Dies ist, weil die Vorgabe, um Taqi Shops Verlust aus fallen unter die psychologische Wirkung in der Hoffnung auf die Rückkehr des Preises später. Und das ist oft der Unterschied zwischen erfolgreichen und erfolglosen Geschäften. Disziplin Decipline und strikte Einhaltung der Datenanalyse und ignorieren die psychologischen Auswirkungen ist einer der wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren in der spekulativen Börse und daher einer der Hauptgründe für das hohe finanzielle Einkommen, das mit Erfolg kommt. Die zweite Regel Verliere nicht mehr als 5 deines Kontos in einer Transaktion Wenn du entscheidest, in einen Deal einzutreten, bestimmt den Punkt, an dem es einen Käufer oder einen Verkäufer einer Währung geben wird. Punkt, der dann kommen wird, wenn Axk Preis und erlitt den Verlust wird bestimmt werden. Der Betrag, den Sie sich leisten können, in einer Transaktion zu verlieren, muss nicht mehr als 5 von Ihrer Gesamtmenge sein. Was bedeutet dies, Angenommen, Sie haben eine regelmäßige Rechnung von 10.000 und beschlossen, in einer Transaktion zu engagieren, bedeutet es, dass Sie berechnen können, dass der Preis, der im Falle des Verlustes herauskommen wird, den Verlust nicht übersteigen wird, der für 500 eintritt, was äquivalent ist Zu 5 von deiner Gesamtmenge. Zum Beispiel: Wenn Sie 1 Los zu einem Preis von GBP GBP USD 1.4500 auf der Grundlage gekauft haben, dass der Preis kurz nach der Rebe steigen wird die Verringerung der Verlustordnung Setzen Sie ihn zum Preis von GBP USD 1.4450. So bestimmen Sie Ihren Verlust von 500 USD, was entspricht 5 Ihres Kontos. Was, wenn Sie 2 Lott gekauft haben Wenn der Preis GBP USD 1.4450 erreicht ist Ihr Verlust ist 100, weil Sie 2 Lott und nicht 1 Los haben, und dieser Betrag entspricht 10 Ihres Kontos, so dass Sie zwei Optionen haben: entweder um näher zu kommen Im Falle des Verlustes des Preises: GBP USD 1.4475 Punkt oder nicht Lott ursprünglich nur eine kaufen. Ich habe erwähnt, wenn ich über die Reduzierung des Verlustes zu sprechen ist, dass man es nicht ganz in die Nähe der angemeldeten Preis und 25 Punkte sind sehr nah an der angemeldeten Punkt kann nicht sein, ob die Reduzierung der Verlust Bestellung zu einem Preis zu setzen Von 1.4475 ist nicht vor dir gelassen, aber nicht mehr als ein Los kaufen. Wenn Sie es schwierig finden, die früheren Ideale zu verstehen, erinnern Sie sich folgendes: Sie wissen, dass die Größe des Verlustes von der Anzahl der Punkte abhängt, die Sie verlieren und auf die Größe der Verträge (Croaker), die es eingeben. Je mehr Punkte Sie verlieren mehr als die Menge, die Sie verlieren 0,10 für jeden Punkt in der normalen Konto und 1 für jeden Punkt in der Mini-Konto. Je größer die Anzahl der im Geschäft erworbenen Verträge ist, desto mehr Gewinn im Falle eines erhöhten Gewinns und Verlustes im Falle des Verlustes. Wenn Sie einen Deal eingeben, um den Verlust Punkt, so dass Sie nicht verlieren in diesem Deal mehr als 5 Ihres Kontos. Auf dieser Basis wählen Sie die Anzahl der Verträge und der Preis, der die Verringerung des Verlustes mit ihm führen würde. Wenn Ihr Kauf für 2 Lott wird Sie verlieren mehr als 5 von Ihrem Konto nicht einmal kaufen 2 Lott Lott Buy one. Obwohl der Preis, der ihn dazu veranlassen würde, den Verlustauftrag zu reduzieren, wird man mehr als 5 deines Kontos verlieren - das ist passiert - du bringst den Preis für den Einstiegspunkt für mehr. Das nicht weniger als der Unterschied zwischen dem Eintrittspreis und der Preisreduktion des Verlustes für 30 Punkte wie erwähnt. Warum sollte ich das tun Wenn Sie dieser Regel entsprechen, zwingen Sie nicht zu eilen, um große Mengen von Verträgen in Erwartung großen Gewinn zu kaufen. Ja, der Kauf von 10 wird Ihnen eine Menge von enormen Gewinnen, die die Erwartungen ratifiziert haben, aber im Gegenzug wird schwere Verluste verursachen, wenn Sie Ihre Erwartungen glauben. Wenn die Größe der großen Verträge eingegeben wurde nicht glauben, dass die Erwartungen alles verlieren müssen, was Sie Geld haben und Sie können dann nicht einmal eine Chance bekommen, das für mich zu verwerfen. Aber wenn das nicht verpflichtet ist, mehr als 5 von Ihrem Konto zu verlieren, bedeutet dies, dass er vor Ihnen die Möglichkeit für eine breite Entschädigung des verlorenen Geldes bleiben und Ihr Konto schützen wird, wenn es mehrere aufeinanderfolgende Verluste ausgesetzt ist. Nicht in den Deal, im Gegensatz zu Meile Preis Preis Meile Freund Geschäfte Trend ist Ihr Freund Ich erwähnte in einem Seiten-Meile Preis, dass diese eine der wichtigsten Regeln, die Stsamaha viel in der Analyse aller Finanzmärkte. Es wird oft eine wesentliche Erfolgsursache eingehalten. Wie restriktiv auf diese Regel, die nicht in den Deal enthalten sind, im Gegensatz zu den allgemeinen Trend der Preismeile. Wenn Sie das Diagramm für eine Währung analysieren, wird eines der wichtigsten Ziele sein, um die Tendenz für den Preis dieser Währung zu identifizieren, eine allgemeine Bewegungsrichtung der Währungsrate. Ist der Wechselkurs steigt Trend oder Abwärts-Trend oder dass der Preis fast unverändert Seite weg Wenn erreicht, um diese Frage zu beantworten, muss ein Analysediagramm in mehreren Zeitrahmen eingegeben werden Als ein Deal in Richtung des Preises und Stören umgekehrt Zum Beispiel: Wenn wir davon ausgehen, dass Sie die Meile Pfund erreicht haben, neigt dazu, zu steigen. Soll all Ihre Transaktionen auf dem Pfund sein, kauft das Pfund und verkauft es nicht. Dies ist, weil die allgemeine Tendenz ist der Aufstieg des Pfunds, auch wenn der Preis des Pfunds ist derzeit sinkend zu jedem Zeitpunkt wieder zu steigen. Also immer sicher, einen Käufer für die Fee und nicht ihn als Verkäufer zu betreten. Sie, wenn Sie das Pfund verkaufen würde in Ihrem besten Interesse, um Preis sinkt mehr und diese Tendenz gegenüber dem Preis, die in hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens ist weniger als die Möglichkeit der Aufstieg. Wenn eine Meile Währung steigende Tendenz Uptrend sicher, ein Käufer für diese Währung zu sein. Wenn mi Währung nach unten Tendenz Down Trend sicher zu einem Verkäufer für diese Währung sein. Denn die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer anhaltenden Preisbewegung mit dem allgemeinen Trend ist größer als die Wahrscheinlichkeit Maacksth der allgemeine Trend. Die Verpflichtung, in die Richtung der Neigung Trend eingeben, ist verpflichtet, Ihre Transaktionen erfolgreicher als Ihre Transaktionen Verlierer zu machen, aber es wird gesagt, dass diese Tendenz ist der Freund von Geschäften. Und was ist, wenn der Preis Meile jede Seite der Seite weg ist nicht irgendwelche aufwärts oder abwärts Tragen Sie nicht die Währung, die Sie nicht wissen können, ob nach oben oder nach unten Tendenz. Wenn die Währung, in der die Sequenzierung einer Meile auf beiden Seiten, warten, bis es beginnt, die Richtung der Preisbewegung nach oben oder unten zu bestimmen, weil die Tendenz seitlich bedeutet, dass der Markt zögern, den Wert der Währung zu erhöhen oder zu senken und diese Nachfrage Ist gleichbedeutend mit der Show, und normalerweise ist es, weil Aistmr zu schnell den Markttrend bestimmen wird, ist die Bewegungswährung. Auch der Markt setzt den Trend, nicht warten, um in der seitlichen Neigung zu handeln. Die vierte Regel Relied auf die Analyse der Ein-und Ausreise Wie wir schon gesagt haben, ist es notwendig, eine Methode der Analyse erreicht haben sich erfolgreich in der Trading-Konto durch Standard-und tatsächlichen Handel. Es beruht auf Intuition in Ihren Entscheidungen beim Kauf und Verkauf wird nur zu Verlust nach Verlust führen, obwohl diese Intuition Wahrheit manchmal. Die menschliche Natur verhängt die Geschäfte, die den psychologischen Effekten vor und während des Eintritts in einen Deal zum Opfer fallen. Er betonte die psychologischen Gefühle, die sich mit den Geschäften befassen: Angst Angst und Gier Gier. Und sind weit mehr Feinde Geschäfte Vereinbarung jeder. Gier hat die Geschäfte bezahlt, um einen Deal einzugehen, bevor sie den Markt rational studiert haben und bevor diese Analyse die Sicherheit der Entscheidung beweist. Der Händler kann in einem erfolgreichen Deal sein, aber schließt nicht den Deal und bekommt mehr Gewinn in Erwartung des Gewinns trotz der Tatsache, dass die Analyse auf die Notwendigkeit, Sie zu informieren Sie den Deal sofort, was ist das Ergebnis Das Ergebnis ist, ein zu werden Verlierer nach dir ein Gewinner. So hat Fear die Geschäfte von der Einreise in einen Deal bezahlt, trotz der Tatsache, dass alle Beweise darauf hindeuten, dass ihre Chartanalyse die Sicherheit der Entscheidung bestätigt. Die Läden in den Deal nach einer langen Analyse enthalten, aber was zu geben, bis der Preis beginnt bei Maacksth Vidfh Angst vor der Erhöhung der Verlust, um den Deal früh auf den Verlust zu schließen trotz der Tatsache, dass die Analyse nicht auf die Notwendigkeit, aussteigen, Was ist das Ergebnis Das Ergebnis ist, dass der Preis in Richtung der Gewinn zurück sogar ein wenig Geduld Läden, um ein Gewinner zu werden, anstatt ein Verlierer ohne unnötig. Das ist es, was wir meinen, wenn wir sagen, dass die Notwendigkeit, sich auf die Analyse der Ein-und Ausreise verlassen. Denn die psychologischen Effekte sind die größten Feinde der Läden überhaupt und das macht diese Gefühle für den Kauf und Verkauf von Entscheidungen für Sie ist die Grundlage von Selbstmördern im Bereich der Spekulationen auf den Finanzmärkten im Allgemeinen und im Devisenmarkt im Besonderen. Was soll ich tun, um die Analyse zu analysieren, wenn du dir die technische Analysekarte versichst, indem du den Meilenpreis und die Punkte der Unterstützung und des Widerstands kenne und durch dich weiterhin Datenindikatoren weiterverfolgst und du alles auf mehr als einen Zeitrahmen vergleicht, wenn wir feststellen, dass die Währung steigen wird Kaufe es und wenn es gefunden wird, wird es fallen Sie verkaufen sich von den Gefühlen darüber. Gehen Sie nicht hinter die Hoffnung auf Gewinnchancen, aber Mark Gelegenheit zu Ihnen kommen und lassen Sie die Analyse zu bestätigen, dass Sie dies tun. Wenn Sie in einem Deal Indikatoren angemeldet sind und fing an, Ihnen vorzuschlagen, dass die Preisbewegung begann, die entgegengesetzte Richtung zu gehen, steigen Sie sofort so aus. Wenn ich ein Gefühl wäre, dass der Preis zurückkehren und in eine rentable Richtung für Sie gehen wird, da dies Gefühl ist oft das Ergebnis von widersprüchlichen Gefühlen von Angst und Gier, nicht eine Form von Grausamkeit, die Zukunft zu begreifen. In der Tat ist die strikte Einhaltung der ehemaligen al-Qaida überhaupt nicht leicht, wir sind Menschen und wir haben Schwierigkeiten, die Gefühle von Angst und Gier im Laufe des Deales zu trennen, also sagen sie, dass sie für die maximale Menge üben müssen Der Zeit, weil die Praxis ist nur in der Lage, Geschäfte zu schulen, die Reputation konzentriert, was er sagt Analyse und nicht, was Sie sagen, eigene Gefühle. Tragen Sie nicht in die Zeiten und Umstände ist angemessen Chart-Analyse und Follow-up-Wechselkurse erfordern viel Zeit, Mühe und Geduld intellektuell. Wenn Sie nicht körperlich fit waren, ist psychologisch und intellektuell für den Handel besser, die an diesem Tag nicht handeln. Es gibt keinen Handel und Sie krank oder in psychologischen oder intellektuellen anormalen Zustand, das kann Ihnen zu falschen Entscheidungen und hastig führen. Wenn ein schlechter Deal geschlossen ist besser, den Handel für ein paar Stunden zu verlassen, so können Sie wiederherstellen psychologische und intellektuelle Ruhe nicht auf die Methode wird nicht verlassen den Handelstag sogar erlösen die verloren Das kann Ihnen mehr Verlust, weil es Sie schieben kann In vorsichtig und impulsiv eintreten. Der Verlust des Handels an der Börse ist unvermeidlich unabhängig von Ihren Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen. Man kann niemand glauben, die ganze Zeit zu glauben. Und wenn Sie feststellen, dass der Verlust im Handel ist normal unvermeidlich, ein Preis muss bezahlt werden zwischen jetzt und dann hilft es Ihnen, diesen Verlust zu akzeptieren. Verloren heute Sie können diesen Verlust nicht morgen oder übermorgen wieder gut machen. In der Tat handeln Sie in Währungen, voller Chancen und alles, was wir wollen, ist, nur eine Chance zu nutzen. Und vergiss nicht, dass dies für alle Bereiche des Unternehmens gilt, wie es für die Börsenspekulation gilt, obwohl sein Aussehen an der Börse und deutlich deutlicher als andere. Ja. Sie sind nicht gezwungen, jeden Tag einen Deal zu eröffnen. Wenn Sie nicht zum Handel passen, ist es besser, nicht zu handeln, bis Sie die passende Zeit und Umstände finden. Extreme Volatilität der Währungsbewegung macht viele Marktchancen und ist zugleich sehr gefährlich. Je höher das Risiko höher ist als die Möglichkeit des Gewinns. Und der Umgang mit einem sehr sensiblen Markt als Marktwährung erfordert eine Menge von intellektuellen und psychologischen Anstrengungen und erfordert Geduld und Disziplin in vollem Umfang möglich. Und um vorherige Regeln zu befolgen, bevor sie in den Bereich des tatsächlichen Handels einsteigen und nach dem Eintritt wird es Ihnen ermöglichen, ein Gewinner die meiste Zeit zu sein, und das ist alles sehr Trafficker, die versuchen, in der Finanzmärkte Arbeit zu profitieren. Sie müssen zu dem Schluss kommen, dass Sie die Basis des Margin Trading Systems verstehen, dass der schnellste Weg, um große Gewinne mehrmals höher als das investierte Kapital zu machen. Van in der Lage, mit einem Wert von 100.000 Euro handeln, zum Beispiel im Austausch für die Zahlung der Betrag von 500 als Kaution zurückerstattet und dann halten Sie einen vollen Gewinn und wenn Sie bereits besitzen diese Menge, ist verpflichtet, bringen Sie zurück, die mehrere übersteigt Mal der Betrag, den Ststthmrh im Handel und durch mehr als jede andere Form von Dividenden Formen der Investition, einschließlich der Aigas. Alles, was Sie tun mussten, ist, die Währung zu kaufen, die Sie erwarten, zu steigen und zu verkaufen, wenn sie tatsächlich steigen. Oder um die Währung zu verkaufen, die Sie erwarten, zu gehen und zu kaufen, wenn Sie tatsächlich hinuntergehen. Für jeden Punkt eines hohen Preises, wenn Sie die Währung kaufen, erhalten Sie 10 für jede Menge Währung (im gewöhnlichen Konto) Fall. Für jeden Punkt ein niedriger Preis, wenn Sie eine Währung kaufen, erhalten Sie 10 für jede Menge Währung. Währungsraten in ständiger Bewegung um die Uhr in jeder Währung pro Tag gleitenden Durchschnitt zwischen 50-200 Punkte nach oben oder unten. Das bedeutet, dass es jeden Tag immer eine Chance für enorme Gewinne gibt. Gefeuert, um Ihre Phantasie zu entfalten und sich vorzustellen, wie Sie in der Lage sein werden, Punkte täglich zu verdienen. 50 Punkte, zum Beispiel bedeutet dies 500 Gewinn auf jede gehandelte Ware. Und so weiter. Valmtager-Währungen im Besonderen keine Angst vor einer Rezession, aber keine Angst Aehmh Umsatz und niedrigere Preise zu steigen oder fallen. Valamkaneh immer für Profit, ob der Verkauf oder Kauf von Währung und ob der Preis stieg oder fiel. Der Gewinngehalt und eine riesige und schnelle. Die ratifizierten Erwartungen, hier sind die Crux, und hier das entscheidende Kapitel zwischen Gewinn und Verlust. Ja, die Prognose, dass die Währung steigen wird So kaufte ich youll 10 für jeden Punkt eines hohen Preises. Aber was, wenn der Preis steigt wird verlieren 10 für jeden Punkt fallen Preis. Wenn der Preis ging 50 Punkte, um 500 zu verlieren und dieser Betrag wird von Ihrem Konto abgezogen werden. Dies ist in der Tat wahren Devisenhandel oder Handel in jeder Ware oder Dienstleistung überhaupt. Wenn der Preis der Ware unter den Kaufpreis fällt, wird ein Verlust erlitten. Jeder Händler hält den Kauf einer Ware für den Handel nur, nachdem es erwartet wird, dass der Preis steigen wird, aber das bedeutet nicht, dass es sicherstellt, dass das Recht zu erwarten. Es gibt nichts im Inhalt dieser Welt. Die Frage wird erwartet, um auf die Händler Gesundheit verlassen, war der Händler ein erfahrener und kenntnisreich auf dem Markt, die Prognose wird die meiste Zeit korrekt sein, aber nicht unbedingt die ganze Zeit. Das ist genug, um den Kaufmann Nettogewinn jeden Monat zu erreichen. Und so sind Handel und Investitionen Es gibt immer ein Risiko im Angesicht des Verlustes Element. Es will nicht riskieren, dass er Aitager ursprünglich hat. Soweit die Möglichkeit der Gewinn-Risiko-Verhältnis. Investor, der Geld in der Bank im Gegenzug für jährliche Leistungen hinterlegt wird nicht mehr als 4 Rückkehr auf seine Investition in das Jahr. Wie für wer investiert sein Geld in Währung Spekulationen verloren Gewinn zu übertreffen 1000 Return on Investment möglich und so viel mehr. Was ist der Unterschied Der Unterschied ist das Verhältnis des Risikos Im Austausch dafür erhalten Sie eine Rückkehr auf 100 Garantiert Sie erhalten nicht mehr als 4 annualisierte Rückkehr. Aber um eine Auszahlung von bis zu 1000 und mehr zu erhalten, haben Sie keine andere Wahl, als sich das Risiko des Verlustes zu stellen. Eine Tatsache, die für alle Formen der Investition und Handel in jeder Ware irgendwo in der Welt gilt. Wie ich gelernt habe, kontrollieren die Handelswährungen enorme Materialgewinne. Auf der anderen Seite besteht ein sehr hohes Risiko, in spekulative Währung zu investieren. Es ist eine Tatsache, die gut gelernt werden muss: Es ist, dass die Investition in spekulative Währung als eine der gefährlichsten Formen der Investition überhaupt gilt. Es gibt eine Möglichkeit, Dutzende Male die Menge zu gewinnen, die es funktionieren wird. Ja, das ist möglich. Es gibt eine Möglichkeit, dass Sie die ganze Menge verlieren, die es funktionieren wird. Ja, das ist auch möglich Was ist das Risiko bei der Spekulation auf Wechselkurse Die Antwort kann in einem Satz zusammengefasst werden. Extreme Volatilität Hohe Volatilität Die Devisenpreise ändern sich ständig und die Preise schwanken ständig, was für wirtschaftliche und politische Variablen und manchmal unerwartet sehr anfällig ist. Diese Natur in der Währung macht das Zeichen der Richtung des Preises ist nicht einfach. Wie erwähnt, reicht die Währungsumrechnungs-Tagesrate zwischen 50-200 Punkten nach oben oder unten, wenn diese Punkte gegen die körperlich youll zu finden, dass dies bedeutet, riesige Summen Tag können Sie verdienen oder verlieren. Das hängt von der gesundheit Ihrer erwartungen ab. Kann Wechselkurse erwarten Wie ich aus der vorherigen Antwort gelernt habe. Ja. Die Bewegung der Wechselkurse, obwohl sehr Fluktuation und Volatilität, aber es ist nicht zufällig, aber die Bewegung gegründet und Tendenzen Trends könnte im Voraus vorauszusagen und oft glauben, diese Erwartungen, was bedeutet, riesige Gewinne. Und jetzt wissen Sie, dass Sie Preise von Währungen durch die Analyse der beiden Arten von Schlüssel erwarten können: Technische Analyse Technische Analyse der ökonomischen Nachrichten und Analyse Fundamentalanalyse. Und wie Sie wissen, wollen wir Follow-up-Analyse der Preisbewegung für einen Zeitraum der Vergangenheit sogar die Möglichkeit der zukünftigen Richtung zu schließen. Sie können nicht erwarten, dass Reaktion jemand zu Atarafh. Aber wenn es mit ihm gehandelt wurde, gelernt, vorherige Reaktionen auf verschiedene Situationen zu lernen, können Sie erwarten, dass seine Zukunft eine bestimmte Position macht. Natürlich gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen dem Verhalten des Menschen und zwischen der Bewegung des Preises, aber der Preis ist letztlich ein Spiegelbild der Nachfrage und der Versorgung, die von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt gemacht wird. Und Angebot und Nachfrage sind von bestimmten wirtschaftlichen und politischen Variablen betroffen sind bekannt. Wenn grundsätzlich die erwartete Preisbewegungsvorhersage-Preisrichtung analysieren und damit durch die Kauf - und Verkaufsentscheidungen in Anspruch genommen werden kann. Aber trotzdem Vlaci Inhalt. Variablen, die die Bewegung der Preise beeinflussen und oftmals widersprüchlich sind. Dies macht das Zeichen der Richtung des Preises einer Währung - oder Anteil oder Ware - eine Frage der Wahrscheinlichkeit. Es war wahrscheinlicher, dass der Preis der Währung steigen wird, wird es kaufen und umgekehrt. Soweit Ihre Praxis und Sie weiterhin Wechselkurse und das Ausmaß, um Ihr Wissen über diesen Bereich zu erweitern, soweit Sie Ihre Erfahrung und Ihre Fähigkeit, die Erwartung zu korrigieren erweitern. Dies ist ein Problem, das viel Aufwand erfordert und Zeit und Follow-up und darauf bestehen. Ein Problem, das die Mühe wert ist, weil das Material hoch ist. Und sehr hoch Wenn ja, wie kann das Risiko bei der Spekulation auf Wechselkurse abschwächen Es gibt zwei Hauptphasen: 8226 Bevor Sie diesen Bereich ursprünglich betreten. 8226 Nach dem Betreten dieses Bereichs. Jede Stufe hält sich an die Regeln, um das Risiko auf ein Minimum zu lindern, was den Geschäften die größte Chance für den Erfolg gibt. Diese Regeln werden als allgemeine Regeln des Risikomanagements Risikomanagementregeln bezeichnet, die wir aufgrund ihrer großen Bedeutung im Detail diskutieren werden. Vor dem Eintritt in den eigentlichen Handel Es gibt einige grundlegende Regeln, die buchstäblich vor dem eigentlichen Handel befolgt werden müssen, nämlich: Die erste Regel: Handeln Sie nicht mit echtem Geld lange vor dem Training und Praxis. Die zweite Regel: die Investitionsmenge, die Sie sich leisten können, ganz zu verlieren. Die dritte Regel: Beginn des Handelsminiokonten. Und wir werden die Regeln von extremer Bedeutung erklären: Nicht-handeln echtes Geld vor der eigentlichen Ausbildung und Praxis Ja. Sie können nicht das Risiko laufen, dass Ihr Geld auf dem Feld zu verstehen, wo nichts. Muss zuerst in diesem Bereich durch den Handel virtueller Demo gesperrt werden, kannst du ein virtuelles Konto-Plazebo öffnen und dann Währung an dieses Konto kaufen und verkaufen, wenn ich einen Gewinn zu deinem Konto erwirtschaftet habe und wenn du den Verlust von deinem Konto abziehen würdest, wo sind alle Die Prozesse in Bezug auf Verfahren und wie die Umsetzung der Aufträge und Wechselkurse und alle, die in Bezug auf den Handel wie ein echtes Konto, aber es enthält kein Geld verloren, wenn Sie nichts verlieren tatsächlich tatsächlich. Das Standardkonto ist die unverzichtbare Notwendigkeit zu lernen, wie man Währungspreise handeln kann, ohne einen wirklichen Verlust zu erleiden, wo Sie in der Lage sein werden, zu üben und Erfahrungen zu sammeln und Ihre Erwartungen zu testen und viel viel über die Bewegung Alosar und die Natur zu lernen, ohne etwas zu verlieren. Und nachdem sie virtuellen Handel so lange wie möglich geübt haben und nach dem Vertrauen der Gesundheit Ihrer Erwartungen und Ihr Verständnis der Bewegung der Preise und Einflüsse, die sie beeinflussen und nur dann können Sie mit dem Handel mit echtem Geld beginnen. Wie ist der Zeitraum, in dem sie ausüben müssen, wo ein Standardkonto so lange wie möglich ist. In der Tat kann nicht bestimmen, eine bestimmte Zeit, aber das hängt von der Frage der bis zu vertrauen Sie sich selbst und das Verständnis der Natur des Marktes und die Genauigkeit Ihrer Erwartungen. Flaani, um einen Gewinn in ein paar Trades zu erzielen, dass Sie fit sein können, um echtes Geld zu handeln, können diese Ergebnisse das Ergebnis von Zufall und nicht mehr sein, aber kann nicht leugnen, dass es erst nach den Ergebnissen Tc-Prozess ist laufende Gewinne für eine lange Zeit . Zusamenfassend. Sie können nur entscheiden, wann man den eigentlichen Handel zu bewegen, wenn Sie genau wollen, sagen wir, Sie sollten nicht der eigentliche Handel beginnt sechs Monate des Handels vor der Berechnung Standard Vor der Praxis praktische Ergebnisse, die Ihren Stil hinter einem Monat Monate zu verbessern. Am Ende ist die Entscheidung allein. Snrushdk zu Maklerfirmen Adressen, die Ihnen erlauben, ein Konto kostenlos zu eröffnen, und die meisten dieser Unternehmen können Sie dies für einen Zeitraum von einem Monat zu tun, aber wir empfehlen, dass Sie es erneuern mehrmals. Vergessen Sie nicht, dass auch professionelle Händler immer eine virtuelle Konten testen neue Methoden der Prognose und Handel und lernen eine Menge von ihnen, ohne den Verlust zu leiden. Default Valhassab die Notwendigkeit für professionelle und unvermeidlich für die Anfänger. Die zweite Regel Investitionsbetrag, den Sie sich leisten können, um ganz zu verlieren Eines der Grundregeln, um die negativen Auswirkungen der Risiken der Währungsspekulation zu vermeiden. Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, den eigentlichen Handel zu beginnen und die Höhe Ihres Kontos zu bestimmen, muss es in der Lage sein, diesen Betrag vollständig zu verlieren, ohne die physische Situation zu beeinträchtigen. What does this mean This means that you can not in any way that trade Astdntha funds for this purpose. Or be traded funds represent a large percentage of your savings. But for only Atbdo that lost entirely will not affect the physical situation dramatically. As we said, the speculation on the currency investment with a high risk, it put all your money in such an area is very crap without a doubt. Ja. Its great to fight in this lucrative field, it is necessary that Atadhaa yourself a chance of large and rapid material gains can be achieved in this market, but the mind every mind telling you that to let the lure of these profits Tamik about the fact that speculation in the currency is a risk high may cause Bouksartk for the entire amount in your account very quickly. Some have made millions from behind the speculation in the currency markets and other market. Some have gone bankrupt from behind the work itself. So it is advisable for people wishing to start trading real money to ask himself the following question: How is the amount that can be sacked by going against the experience in this area The answer varies from one person to another depending on the circumstances and objectives and the potential of each person. Start trading mini account That we mentioned in the table on page normal mini account and the account see the main difference between a mini account plain account. As you can see, the mini account represents ten ordinary account in everything. It is the main rules that you must follow to avoid the ill effects of speculation on the currency after practice on a default account that the actual start trading mini account avoids heavy losses and earn you a good profit to be able to the currency market and be able to amplify your capital so you can then go into the trading unusual account . It is very necessary for every beginner that withholds actual trading only through a mini account first, even if the results of the exercise of the default account for a long time is excellent. Because there is a difference between the virtual trading account and the actual account. Many novices are making excellent results on the default account, but when they move to an actual account suffer loss or Aahakqon the same excellent level they have achieved in the default account. The answer: the psychological factor. It is one of the most important factors that influence the success or failure of shops. Valmtager who used to trade the default account knows that he will not lose anything on the truth and this makes it a high degree of mental calm and patience and the ability to withstand the temporary price changes. For example: Suppose you bought 1 lot of currency on the basis that the price will rise 100 points. As you know from the nature of the price movement that the price will rise once more connected. It will go up a bit, then fall, then return to high and then fall over and then rise again, and so the moment behind the moment. Ja. in the end, and after a few hours you will find that the price has already risen 100 points, as expected, but this is done in most cases gradually. For stores calculates the default issue does not affect him too much, he is when he sees that the exchange rate started to decline will not be afraid to anything as long as it is confident of Health to expect and why he knows that even if the expectation did not believe he will not lose anything so it Sasber that the price rises to 100 points as expected. The shops calculates the actual story is entirely different for him. When you buy 1 lot of currency and the price starts to decline, it will be seen that he began to lose from his account for every point of 10 in normal and 1 in the mini account account, and this time will cause him a lot of tension and fear of the increased loss was rushed and sell at a loss, but if patience is a little back to the price rise as predicted. Indeed, trading in the financial markets is a war of nerves in the first place. 50 and lose a lot easier than to lose 500 in one transaction. So the beginning of the actual trading account must be minimized even calculates the test yourself and see the impact of the movement of prices on the endurance and strength of nerves and this avoids a lot of the losses that you may experience that began directly in a normal account. You also need more practice and experience, and account mini earn you less risk and at the same time the possibility of achieving a very good profit. Then beware that the actual trading begins normal calculates Standard account Whatever your results in the default account excellent. May lead to the evaporation of your account within days. Actual trading starts only calculates the mini Mini account Always remember that. In fact, there are a lot of professional traders who content themselves to work in a mini account all the time, the profits of large and flexibility to make it a mini account is very attractive, especially for beginners and owners of small accounts. Keen shops in any kind of goods on which he plans to follow up this item traded price continuously in search for a suitable opportunity. You may be interested in trading in cars, for example, it is natural to be up to date car prices continuously If you find that the car price became too low Vstmutir to buy them on the grounds that the price will go up later, but you may find that it is appropriate to wait for some time before offering to buy you expects the price drops more to come back before the rise. This requires you to continuous follow-up and found that the price of buying a suitable offer to purchase, or wait until the price drops more then offers to purchase. As well as trading in currencies. When you are watching the currency waiting for the right opportunity to buy a currency when you expect that the price will not drop much, but then pick up, it may need to wait some time until the exchange rate then decreases more progress on the purchase. If we assume that you are watching the price of the euro was at this moment EUR USD .9000 And found through your analysis of price movement that the euro will fall more than that, but it will resume rising. What do you do Exactly. seize the opportunity immediately and buy euros because you expect the price will rise. Ask to buy euros at the current price. When you do that may be used first type of commands which the market is Market order. Market Order Market Order An order to buy or sell a currency immediately and the current market price. To go back to the previous assumption that the euro as EUR USD .9000 price Suppose you and through your analysis to the price of the euro, you expect that the euro will fall more before re-rise and you expect that the euro will fall first to be up to EUR USD .9850 and then re-rise. What do you do Yes. you have to wait until the price drops and up to 0.9850 and then you buy. But that may require you to wait several hours until the euro up to the price at which you expect, does it mean that you have to remain glued to the computer several hours waiting for this moment Here comes the role of limit orders in advance Limit entry orders It predetermined Limit Entry Order An order to buy or sell a currency at a predetermined price by you, if the price of the currency actually arrived to the price set will be implemented and if it did not reach the command is executed. In our previous example will determine the price of 0.9850 to buy and so you say to the brokerage firm you are dealing with: If you arrived to the price of the euro bought 0.9850 euros lot to me - or any number of croaker want - then you can leave the computer and attention to something else. If the price of the euro to 0.9850 already reached the company will buy you a lot of euros and if the price was not up to 0.9850 will not implement it. Will do so via command by platform workstation and used to deal with the brokerage firm status and youll find complete instructions on how to pre-set orders placed an issue that require only a few clicks of a mouse. This is the interest of limit orders in advance to give you a field of interest with other things without having to wait. Types of predefined commands There are four types of limit orders in advance all possibilities of the price movement of a currency which covers two things and two things out of the entry: Exit predetermined commands: Is the reduction of the loss Stop order. Limit order take profit order. Entry Orders predetermined: Order entry for the price of an apostate Entry limit. Order entry for the price of a continuous Entry stop. I hope you do not feel overwhelmed by these species, purpose of which is to cover all the possibility of price movement so that you can at your analysis to the price of the currency to put these commands to be executed automatically without the need to remain glued to a computer for long hours, and because of these types of commands shops can be makes his work in speculating on currency rates partly pursuant part time where all you have to analyze Saralamlh If arrived conviction about the direction of price movement will develop a sales or purchase orders and determined in advance where you can then leave your computer and attention to another job and you are assured that whatever price movement currency, the orders will be implemented in the form that you specified in advance and automatically and without intervention from you. With a little practice you will find that dealing with these commands a very simple matter. And now we will explain in detail each type of limit orders in advance: Exit predetermined orders Is the reduction of the loss Stop order Something which determines the price at which it will close the deal if the result is lost. For example: Suppose you bought a lot of euros at the price of EUR USD .9000 on the basis that you expect that the euro will rise after that. You know that every point rise by the price of the euro over the previous price to win 10 in normal - 1 in miniature - all point drop from the previous price of the euro price calculation account lose 10. Suppose you bought a lot of the euro the previous price and you would like to leave the system and stop the follow-up, but you are afraid to drop the euro and continue the meaning of the decline that your loss will continue to increase if the price dropped 30 points to lose 300, and if it continues more decline and fell 60 points to lose 600 and so on. You can specify in advance the maximum you can afford to lose this deal with the reduction of the loss Stop order is so that the pre-determined price at which the deal will close by in case of loss. In the previous example, I bought a lot of euros at a price of 0.9000 on the basis that its price will rise, will determine the price of reducing the loss of 0.9850 and so you say to the brokerage firm that buys you a lot of euros at a price of 0.9000. If the price dropped and began to lose and the price reached 0.9850 to shut the deal, fearing that price will continue to decline and thus bris has identified earlier in this deal for 50 points. You can then determine the price of reducing the loss of you leave your computer and you are assured that no matter what the euro has fallen will not lose more than 50 points because when the price of the euro up to 0.9850 and the company will automatically close the deal will not lose more. On what basis is determined by the price reduction of loss Answer: The issue mainly depends on your analysis of the movement of the exchange rate has reached to the conclusion that the euro after hitting a price of 0.9000 will rise and on that basis decide to buy it, but that does not mean that the price when actually up to 0.9000 will resume the rise immediately but could fall some more thing to 0.9890 and then re-elevation may fall to 0.9875 and then comes back up, no matter how accurate your analysis was rarely able to determine the point at which the price rise comes back exactly. But you through price movement analysis up to believe that the euro if it arrives for the price of 0.9850, this means that the wrong your analysis - or is there has been political or economic circumstances - and therefore as long as the price reached to this point, it will not come back to rise and will continue to decline, at this particular point will put the price of reducing the loss at any price you lose with it the hope that the price will resume rising. Importance of reducing loss order There is a rule that says: Always trade with stops which do not trade only after it determines in advance of your loss. What does this mean Often buy some currency traders on the grounds that the price will rise or sell a currency on the basis that its price will fall, but things do not go as expected and the price starts Palmaxh starts loss: 20 points. not quite pick price improvement. but it is not getting better. 40 points. it does not matter will return for improvement. but it is not getting better. 80 points. great my loss has become perhaps Ill wait for the price improves lighter than my loss. but it is not getting better. 120 points. problem I can not accept this loss will wait Perhaps the price is improving, even a little bit. but it does not get better. 200 points. Wow Ialitny accepted the loss when she was 40 points. So as you can see to leave things without pre-determined price, which will close the deal in which in case of loss makes you vulnerable to the psychological impact on the hope that the price is getting better and returning to profit or at least mitigate the loss may result in your this hope because multiply your loss several times, which makes you have to accept a heavy defeat. So which is better to be exposed to such a critical position or that you have determined in advance the price at which you lose hope for him on the basis of analysis and not on the basis of the psychological impact. it connects you to the analysis that the price if Axk 40 meaning that point he would not return for improvement and that your analysis was wrong or may may have occurred in the circumstances of what will not be back after the price of the improvement, the losing 40 points better than to lose 200 points could mean thousands of dollars. Accept for the loss, Ltd. is a professional recipe shops. It is important that this loss be based on analysis and not on the basis of expectations based on the psychological effects which have claimed many of the traffickers accounts. Question: If I will set my loss at a point very close to the point of entry so as not to lose too much if Okhtit in the analysis, for example, if you bought the euro at 0.9000 I will set my loss at a price of 0.9895 if any mistake analysis will not lose more than 5 points and the better right Answer: No, not as well. Are you one hundred percent sure of that when the price reaches 0.9000 exactly will resume rise As mentioned, even if your analysis is correct rarely able to determine the price at which the price will come back with him to appreciate exactly. Price was up to 0.9890 and then re-height If you have identified your loss at 0.9895 meaning that you will come out a loser 5 points at a time when your analysis it is true, if you are given more room to yourself and the patient a little bit out of the winner instead of a loser out of 5 points. You can not define your loss at a very close because you do not know the exact price you pick has a price rise. You may not be your loss and determine the price is too far so as not to become a heavy loss. It is like a middle range. The adequacy of any remote area, so give yourself for profit and so close to the adequacy of your loss limit as much as possible in the event of a loss. If km point should I set the price reduction of loss The answer: You must make the analysis is the basis for determining that, but initially prefer not to at least limit the point of loss of 30 points or Andmatstrae euro on the price of 0.9000 is not preferable to determine the loss of more than 0.9870 because it is very contained the price drops up to this point and then return to high. In fact, the point is that place then the price reduction of the loss stop is one of the most important decisions that must be identified in the transaction is an issue that depends on your ability to withstand the loss on your analysis and your style of trading is generally accurate an issue vary from one person to another and improve practice and train for and training. Lets take some examples of how to limit the point of loss: Would buy a lot of euros at a price of EUR USD .9850 select the stop loss point The answer: we will put something to buy the euro on the price of 0.9850 and put the stop on the price of 0.9810 and thereby determine the loss that got 40 points. Lott will sell at a price of GBP GBP USD 1.6098 select point loss Answer: We will put selling price is 1.6098 and we put the stop on the price of 1.6143 and thereby determine the loss that got 45 points. The yen will buy on the price of USD JPY 118.50 select point loss The answer: we will put something to buy at the price of 118.50 yen important to us that the yen rises against the dollar, so we will put the stop at a price of 119.00 because if the price reached 119.00 meaning that for the yen fell. Valin currency indirectly, and thus determine losing by 50 points. Will sell the Swiss franc on the price of USD CHF 1.4560 select point loss Answer: We will put the sale price at 1.4560 and concerns us here is to drop the price of the franc, we will put the stop at 1.4500 because if it came to that price be the franc has risen Vafrenk currency indirectly, and thus define our loss with 60 points. Is the reduction of the loss Stop order When you buy. be the stop point less than the purchase price. At the point of sale. be the biggest stop of the sale price. When you buy. be the stop point is greater than the purchase price. At the point of sale. be the stop is less than the sale price. Take profit Limit order is Something which determines the price at which he has closed the deal in the case of a profit. For example: Suppose you bought a lot of GBP price and what you expect the pound to rise 80 points. In order to get the profit you should wait until the Fairy actually rises 80 points may require several hours, you can use here is take profit limit order sets the price that you want to close the deal in the case of a profit. Vlovrdhana you bought Fairy at a price of 1.6000 and you expect the pound to rise 80 points, you can then put take profit order at a price of 1.6080, ie you say to the brokerage company if the price of the pound 1.6080 closed the deal for, will execute this command automatically without the need to be present in this moment. You can set this up after you leave your computer and you are assured that if the price reaches a point at which you selected will be able to reap a profit without the fear that the price back down and you get lost and so the opportunity to get 80 points. On what basis can I put my take profit point Issue depends on the shops and on the style of trading Strategy Some specify in advance a certain number of points and some specify a fixed amount, but the best method must be determined on the basis of analysis If the analysis indicates the likelihood of the currency for a certain number of points higher before they fall back is better to be determined point take profit limit order at this point or a point close to it. Lets take some examples of how to determine the take profit points: I bought a lot of euros at a price of 0.9500 select the take profit points Answer: We will put profit-taking point limit order at a price of 0.9550 which we ask the company to close the deal when the price of the euro up to 0.9550 and thus we define a pre won by 50 points. Sold at a price of 163 1.6230 select the take profit points. The answer: the deal started to sell and profit is achieved if the pound fell, we will take profit order at a price of 1.6170. Thus, we define profit by 60 points. Yen bought at a price of 118.50 select the take profit points. Answer: I will put take profit when the price of 118.00 points, when the yen for this price have risen 50 points up, this matter may be identified Rbjee with 50 points. I sold the Swiss franc at 1.4500 select the take profit points. The answer: the profit achieved when the price is reduced because the process franc began to sell, I will put profit point at a price of 1.4620, and so I have identified a 70-point profit. Take profit Limit order is In the case of the purchase price will be reaping the profit is greater than the purchase price. In the case of the sale price will be reaping the profit is less than the purchase price. In the case of purchase reap the profit is less than the purchase price. In the case of the sale of profit-taking is to be greater than the purchase price. If you find it difficult to understand or keeping these rules would be useful and very easy for you to remember the following charts showing where will put the reduction of loss Stop order is and is reaping the profit Limit order direct and indirect currency and in the cases of buying and selling each of them as you can see in the following table : Direct currencies such as the euro and the pound When you buy direct currency A Stop command in the bottom of the purchase price chart And be ordered Limit above the purchase price in the chart Because when you be interested in buying candles rise in the graph As you can see in the chart below When selling direct currency Stop command is the highest selling price in the chart And be ordered Limit down sales in the chart price Because when you be interested in selling candles down in the chart As you can see in the diagram below The other way in which the price movement analysis, a method which is based on the study of economic and political influences and predicted impacts on the movement of the price of a currency. If the technical analysis based on the study of price movement only, the news analysis is based on an analysis of the reasons for this movement. Economic and political effects may be long term or short term. Long-term economic influences, is what he is examined by economists and by analyzing the economic situation of the country and compare the economic situation of other countries in an attempt to estimate the impact on currency rates, and such an analysis requires a broad economic background are not available to non-experts, such an analysis is beyond the functions of the normal shops who trades currencies on a daily basis and on the basis of quick transactions, but is within the interests of the large financial institutions that would be interested to exchange rates foresees a long range of up to years ago to invest huge sums in the purchase or sale of these currencies. As for the regular stores, the news analysis interested in the following form: Every day the major economies such as the United States, Japan, the European Union as a whole and Europe Home such as Germany, France, Italy and Britain separately are these countries a week to issue a lot of special economic data for each of them, this data directly affect the exchange rates for these countries. For example: the euro is high it may be against the dollar at a price of EUR USD .9850 but at eight oclock EST (EST) issued US economic data indicate the strength of the US economy in certain aspects, the emergence of such data to the rise in the US dollar could lead to become after EUR USD 0.9700 hours, for example, data such as these reinforce investor confidence in the US economy, which helps to increase the demand for the purchase of shares and American investments and thus increase demand for the dollar, leading to high price against the euro. The exact opposite happens if the bad economic data for the US economy. Such economic data that affect exchange rates for short periods, such as the impact of interest to myself shops currencies. Sometimes one of the officials in the countries in one of the major economic issue a statement which could lead to the high price of the currency or fall. For example: the Japanese Central Bank President may authorize a permit may lead to the rise or fall of the yen against the dollar, sometimes dramatically. How do I know about the emergence of this economic data and statements The most brokerage firms offer stores graphs Service currency rates paid or free service, they provide news service where can shop through the charts of the major news and read up immediately stores the program. There are plenty of sites that offer news service of interest to shops currencies is free shops can access these sites and read the news. Do not worry. it does not mean that you are obliged to stare all day on your computer waiting for news or economic data. Important economic data is to be known in advance the date where you can get from many sites on the agenda Calendar for the most important economic data to be released next week, in the form of a table showing the state in which the statements will be issued and the type of data, time and predicted the experts of the data that will be issued. If there are important data can know in advance of the date immediately following the result by the news service provided by your brokerage firm or by specializing in news sites like forexnews. You are also using the WAP technology you can read this news by your mobile phone or laptop by LAPTOP What is the most important economic data to be issued There is a lot of data which is published weekly, we will mention the most important of these data and their impact on exchange rates: Consumer Price Index Consumer Price Index (CPI) An indicator to measure the rise in commodity prices for the consumer. The higher this index was greater compared to the previous month, or month to month compared to the same period of the previous year, year to year, the impact will be negative for the currency as its price falls often. For example: if the consumer price index in the United States 3 for the month of December, while it was 2.5 in November, it is a bad news for the US economy because it means a rise in inflation, could lead such a story to the low dollar against the following currencies and this compared month to month Month to Month (M M). The comparison with the month of December of the previous year compared to the year called for the year Year to Year (y y). Producer Price Index Product Price Index (PPI) An indicator to measure the rise in commodity prices for producers and manufacturers in the production inputs. The higher this index increased currency goes down. Retail Sales Retail sales index An indicator measures the rate of sales in the consumer goods, the higher the rate rises because the sales price of the currency rise guide to the health of the economy. Wholesale sales index Wholesale index Index measures the producers who sell their goods wholesale sales, the higher the rate rise because the high price of the currency wholesale sales guide to the health of the economy. The budget deficit Balance deficit An indicator measures the level of the deficit in the state budget, and whenever led to currency devaluation deficit rose to this state. Trade Balance Trade balance It measures the extent of the surplus or deficit in the exports and imports of the state, the state that have a trade surplus with another country or the world with its exports of goods will be more than its imports, and vice versa for the State that the trade deficit. Whenever the trade deficit increased to state whenever led to lower the price of its currency. Unemployment rate Unemployment rate It measures the number of citizens of working age who are not finding work, the higher the unemployment rate increased led to currency devaluation because it shows the weakness of the economy in this country. Jobless claim jobless benefits It measures the number of citizens who receive unemployment compensation from their governments, which is similar to the previous index has the same effect. Consumer Confidence Index Consumer confidence index An indicator measuring consumers confidence in the state and local economy, which is an important indicator, and the greater consumer confidence in the state economy, the higher the price of the currency. Product Confidence Index Producer confidence index It is similar to previously unknown but measures the producers and manufacturers confidence in the states economy index, the greater the producers confidence in the economy was a sign of the health of the economy leads to the high price of a countrys currency. GDP Gross domestic production (GDP) An indicator measures the volume of goods and services produced in the local economy, and the greater the volume of production was a sign of the economic activity which leads to the high price of a countrys currency. Key interest rate Interest rate It is a very important indicator little impact on the local economy, as officials in the central banks of each country meet to determine the key interest rate on loans, which in turn affect the interest rates on loans granted by commercial banks for producers and consumer prices. The decision of the Central Bank to identify key interest rate depends on the needs of the local economy and it does Officials in meetings either raise interest rates or slashing. The raise key interest rate leads to raise interest rates on loans and thus reduces the loan requested by the investors of the banks leading to reduce the pace of production and investment in the state, also cut key interest rates to help reduce the benefits received by banks when lending money to the producers, which helps to increase demand for loans and thus increase the pace of production and investment in the state. In fact, the effect of the interest rate on the currency rate decision varies between long-term and short-term impact of the effect, for the average stores, we can say that the high interest rates often lead to high exchange rate and a decrease leads to currency devaluation. Direct intervention Intervention The high price of the currency of a country he has pros cons on the economy of this state, and disadvantages that the rise in the nations currency rate affects exports where they become produced in this country that the highest price for the other countries, which reduces the import of other countries, including. For example, rising Japanese yen leads to higher Japanese prices for the countries of the world price and this leads as reduce other countries of imported Japanese goods and replace them with goods from other countries and this is no doubt would negatively affect the Japanese economy. So it is not always going to be the high price of the currency hello him. Once you find that the price of its currency, the state has become too high, which would affect the exports seriously deliberately direct intervention in the currency market, where they sell huge amounts of its currency to reduce their price. For example: When I arrived in the Japanese yen for the price of USD JPY 118.00 at one times price resulted because the Japanese central bank to sell billions of yen in global markets, which increased the supply of and led to lower its price to fetch up USD JPY 120.00, was the Central Bank so because it found that the yens rise will lead to lower exports of goods from Japan. So the decision to the central bank to intervene in the currency market is an important decision affecting the price of the currency of the country which intervenes. For example, if I learned through reading the news and economic analyzes that the central bank of the state will intervene in the case of the high price of its currency for a certain extent Fissehmk can not offer to buy the currency when the price becomes close to this limit because then the central bank may intervene and cause a sharp and fast in the price of the currency to decline. The major stock exchanges indicators Stock Exchange is the place to be bought and sold its shares of state companies, for example, in New York Stock Exchange is the main place that bought and sold its shares of American companies and the London Stock Exchange is the place to be bought and sold as British stock. Trading activity was measured in the stock exchanges of certain indicators called stock indexes and each has its own stock exchange index. For example: The Dow Jones DJI index is the index which measures the trading activity in the most important 30 US companies, high this indicator is evidence that the buyers of the shares of these companies percent more than the number of sellers, a sign of investor confidence in the US economy and the decline is evidence that the number of sellers of these shares greater than the number of buyers companies a sign of low investor confidence in the US economy. Thus, the rise in the Dow Jones index will lead to a strong dollar because it means that buyers of US stocks more, which means increased demand for the dollar and vice versa. As we all exchange traded index measures the activity: Index is called the London Stock Exchange, the Financial Times, which tracks the FTSE trading for the top 100 British company activity. The index of the Tokyo Stock Exchanges Nikkei-called NIKKEI which measures the trading of the most important 250 Japanese company activity. And Nasdaq NASDAQ is an indicator measures the trading activity in the top 100 US companies in the Nasdaq, which tend to affiliated companies as the mechanism of the technology sector companies. Thus, whenever the index has increased what led to the high price of the currency of the country followed by this indicator. In fact, the most important index ordinary matter shops is DJI Dow Jones index since the rise of this indicator is accompanied by mostly high for the price of the dollar against other currencies. Followed in importance NASDAQ NASDAQ. The rest of the stock indexes are rarely of interest to ordinary shops have to talk to make a difference on the currency rates. What we have said previously it is for important economic data and news that have an impact on exchange rates. As for the political news concentrated in political crises and periods of tension and wars between nations, in mostly the political tension of the state leads to lower its currency rate against the currencies of other countries where keen investors to dispose of their investments in the country that suffers from political crises and wars. It is often said that the capital coward. For example: the Gulf War between the United States and Iraq have led to a sharp decline in the US dollar against other currencies. Technical analysis is the basis of the analysis for the average stores Of the things that you care to learn is that ordinary shops dealing in buying and selling currencies on the basis of quick transactions begin and end on the same day probably more interested in the news analysis, technical analysis, follows the news and economic data on the currency rate misleading may be some thing. Has good US economic data issued without the dollar rises if the general situation leaning against the dollar. In fact, the direct impact that notices ordinary shops economic data on exchange rates is the psychological impact of the data more than the substantive effect, which may require a long period of time until it starts to take shape and appearance. Some say: It does not matter. important news is a reflection of the news on market sentiment. And often difficult to estimate this effect, but sometimes hard to understand. Does that mean it is the neglect of economic data and news completely Of course not. You can not be neglected but must be on prior knowledge of the most important economic data to be released each day and through practice and experience will be able to estimate the news that interests you from the news that the accused you know, and will help you a lot to read condensed economic analyzes issued by a lot of sites, many of sites will issue a brief economic analysis on a daily basis and sometimes more than once per day such analyzes and written by economists will draw your attention to the most important economic data and news to be released in this day and expected impact of her. You can read these analyzes through direct access to these sites - some of which we mentioned in the page source - or that share Subscribe at these sites to send these analyzes as a message to your email daily news Newsletter In most cases, have to participate in this free sites. Do not be afraid something. These analyzes concise and written for the average person to understand and train for some of you will be able to read and understand and will not take you to issue only a few minutes a day. How can if combining technical analysis and analysis of the news This is an important issue Sttalmha through practice and experience, and to give you an example of this: Lets say you and through technical your analysis of the graph for the movement of the euro against the dollar reached that the euro will rise after reaching a certain price, but you know that it will be issuing an important economic data after half an hour, for example, is better for you to wait for the release of this data before that you are buying the euro to see the impact of this data the price of the euro first. As a result of this data may decide the direct purchase of the euro with greater confidence may find that it is better to wait more or even cancel the purchase decision entirely. This is an issue as we mentioned is difficult to give fixed by the rules, but it is a question based on experience and practice. US economic data is the most important As mentioned, all major economies will issue economic data for each of them, but youll notice immediately that the most important economic data and the most influence on exchange rates is the US economic data, because the US economy is the largest economy in the world, as the US currency is a common currency between All the currencies in which it handles stores. Vsdor good US economic data may lead to higher dollar against all other currencies, and vice versa in the case of bad data, while economic data from France and Germany, they do not affect the mostly only on the price of the euro against the dollar. Often issued economic data for European countries without a clear impact on exchange rates occur unlike US data. It is important to pay US data - which are issued mostly in 8:00 pm EST (EST) - is particularly important, without neglecting other data. A final word in this part Your reading and understanding the third part of this book have become able to read graphs for exchange rates of the three kinds of major and able to understand these fees and get the information that interests you as soon as look at the graph. As has become so well acquainted with the concepts of chart analysis and the foundations of this analysis in terms of knowing the general direction of the price movement - mi price trend - and determine support and resistance points on the graph. It also became a learning something about the patterns and indicators and their importance in the analysis of price movement. This is in addition to your knowledge of the most important economic data, which clearly affect the movement of the currency and the impact of this data positively and negatively on the price of the currency. We have stated from the outset that the information in this book on the analysis of price movement artistic quality and news you can not out-sufficiency, the primary purpose of this book is to pave the way for you to go into this exciting field road. The information found here will help you get an idea of what price analysis and pave the way for you and help you to delve more theoretical knowledge from books and websites that well guide you to it. But you have to learn to master the basis of an analysis of price and therefore expect the issue of price movement based on the practice mainly accuracy and this is what comes from the expertise and experience which should not hesitate to do it whenever you get the chance. Do not wait to read everything about technical analysis even begin to exercise analysis. if you do that you will not finish reading. There are lots and lots of books, articles, magazines and websites specialized in the explanation and interpretation and promotion of new and old theories and principles of technical analysis. But Start Once you read this chapter to open graphs program and try to apply what you have learned in this chapter. Read the graph for each currency and in what time frame. see how they move candles and bars when it approached the support and resistance points. Try to put expectation for the price of the currency and see the result of this expectation. feedback record. anzer how exchange rates are affected after the issuance of various economic data. Repeat this work on an ongoing basis and make him the challenge is not without pleasure. Do not be afraid of the practice and experience. do everything and do not hesitate to apply all what you learn and read about the subject. The important thing is to practice because it is that gives you the experience that no one can give you them. During all that you do more to check the depth of your knowledge gradually. Let it simple Keep it simple It is famous for advice related to technical analysis. Yes, things do not hold. It is not a condition to rely on dozens of indicators and all the concepts of technical analysis in order to be successful, but the opposite is true. There are a lot of experienced traders with higher success does not depend only on the index or two points of resistance and support in their expectations of price movements and their expectations are often successful. It is not what is important is the large number of indicators and principles that are taken in the analysis, but the important thing is to engage in a timely manner and get out in time. Sometimes, when much of the concepts and indicators take it gives you mixed signals. may indicate that some of you sell while the other indicates that you buy. This will cause you a lot of confusion and bewilderment. We wanted it to say that you do not rush to understand all the theories and principles used in the analysis of price movement, but what we should do first is concerned with the process and applied practice what you learn. The experience and then the theoretical knowledge is the key to mastering the technical analysis of price movement. And remember Bank and the amount of time and effort that gives him in practice and learn technical analysis as much as accuracy, which will need to anticipate the direction of the movement of exchange rates And what this means of successful transactions may be translated in the form of financial profit is enormous. It was Traffickers Japanese rice markets in the seventeenth century were first invented and used method of candles in the expression of the price movement, and I have this method has proved a great effectiveness in the flour and clear expression at the same time for price movement, making it superior to Western-style in the expression of movement based on the rails bars Price is not in the rice market, but has also started in all financial markets, whether stocks or commodities or currencies. The benefit of Japanese candles were not limited to accuracy and clarity, but also that he has long been discovered that the forms of Japanese candles are better able to express the psychological state of the market and the nature of the conflict between the sellers who pay the price to drop and buyers who pay the price to rise any nature of the conflict between the Bears Bears and bulls Bulls or supply between the forces of supply and demand forces demand. It has been shown that the forms of candles give signals about what happens to the price in the market and thus can predict the direction of the price later hence the technical analysis using candlestick analysis method is similar shapes patterns that we talked about, but it depends on the forms of Japanese candles. It is a technique credibility appear in the relatively long time frame, such as the framework of the day, week, or at least the time in the time frame of at least so it loses a lot of credibility and accuracy. When the shops analyzed currency and candles to show the Japanese currency this certain ways, shops can be expected that the price of the currency will rise or fall later. The analysts gave each a form of Japanese candles its own names and their respective specifications and characteristics defined by There are two types of Japanese candles: 8226 Type indicates his appearance on that price will continue to rise. 8226 The type shows his appearance on the possibility of a reversal in price movement. Let us take an example: Called candle that do not have the body star Doji star. The candle that have no body means that the opening price equal to the closing price. The emergence of this candle may mean the possibility of a reflection of the price as you can see in the following manner As you can see, there was a three candles followed by a rising star Vmpmama explain that It was the price in the previous three days, close to the high On the fourth day become the opening and closing price equal, which means that the market may become reluctant to raise the price more than that and the display has become the equivalent of demand and this may indicate the possibility of a lower price in the next day. So-called star that comes after several candles rising star bearish bearish any points for a low price. See the following form: As you can see there are three plugs falling followed by star means that the price had closed down for three consecutive days, then the star appeared which refers to equal supply with demand, which may indicate that the market is reluctant to lower the price even more, and therefore it follows all of this decline rise in price in the next day. So-called star that comes after several candles bearish rising star bullish indicate any of the high price. Thus formed his star alone does not mean that the price will rise or Atkhvd even after the emergence of a rising star candles or a bear that is what gives meaning to the form. Valndjemh itself mean that there is a tie between the demand and raise prices by the forces of supply that lower prices forces and this refers to the frequency of the market to continue in the former direction. There are many forms is the star has a meaning varies by placing candles that preceded Among the most important of these forms to: Hanging Man Hanging man Morning Star Morning star Evening Star Evening star Three soldiers Three soldiers And a lot of other forms that are not without their names from the novelty. It is worth mentioning that the Japanese candlestick analysis, like other methods of analysis should be used for other types of Bladhafah and not independently. It is not enough to see his star rising after three plugs to control that the price will fall. Has incredible analysis this time But if the former star appeared and the price was close to the support of a strong resistance line as well as the RSI indicator, for example, he gives that the price is too high over bought Here you have three methods of analysis methods indicate the proximity of the low price and thus the probability of this happening becomes much larger than rely on one method. Japanese candlestick analysis has proved a real effectiveness in many financial markets, prompting a lot of professional analysts relied upon, although there was also a lot of analysts who do not turn a lot of this type of analysis. Analysis of Japanese candles subject of broad and needs you to look at and practice what we have mentioned here is nothing more than the definition and pave this innovative type of analysis, which reminds me of a personal horoscope reading by analyzing the symbols in the remnants of coffee cups However, the latter is nothing more than a fairy tale The analysis candlestick is a combination of science and art proved effective and only missed analysts to financial markets and their time in the study and use. How to Become a Forex Broker If you have decided to invest time and money to become a Forex broker, the following information will help you get started. Your new brokerage company set-up plan would include: 1. Registration of your company in a local or offshore jurisdiction. 2. Application for a Forex broker license at the U. S. Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) if you plan to do business in US. (Wenn Sie außerhalb der USA öffnen und betreiben möchten, fordern Sie ein Informations-Kit von Ihrer örtlichen Finanzbehörde an). 3. Opening a bank account within the jurisdiction to collect funds from clients. 4. An application for receiving online payments, if youll be accepting online funding. 5. Preparation of legal documents, including dealing manuals amp agreements, anti-money laundering policies, conflict of interest policies etc. 6. Pay registration fees and meet a minimum capital requirements for opening a brokerage business (Broker-dealer applicants and registrants must have and maintain the minimum net capital required by Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c3-1 and comply with SEC Rule 15c3-3 governing customer protection, reserves and custody of securities). 8. Find liquidity partners, clearing company(s) that will clear your trades. (A clearing company will look for your to deliver a certain trading volume per month: e. g. a total amount of lots your clients will be able to trade each month). Every step will include a set of documents to be prepared as well as qualifications to be passed. The package of requirements will depend on a jurisdiction where you choose to register a company. Registrants must be prepared to pass thorough background investigation, pass examinations on general securities principles and state securities laws (NASD series 7, NASD series 63, 66). Among others, the following criteria are considered during registration application: - financial solvency - conviction of a crime - evidence of past inequitable or fraudulent business practices in the sale of securities. Related documents and links: Approximate costs of Starting own Forex Company 1. Company registration - 2000 2. Opening a corporate bank account - 500 - 3000 (To be noted that larger banks might require a minimum account balance (deposit) to be made and maintained throughout operation. The amount can vary from 50,000 to 500,000 USD). 3. Opening a physical office (if planned) - 10,000 - 30,000 4. Developing a website - 1000 - 25,000 5. Choosing a trading platform - 5000 - 150,000 (MT4 platform license would come around 100,000 - 150,000year. While IBWhite Label solutions could result in 0 fees). 6. Hiring staff (support, IT, legal, other) - based on your local salary rates White Labels and IBs If you arent ready to buy your own Trading platform license, you can start with an IB or a White Label solution from a Prime broker (your Clearing company). As a White Label youll be offering trading services under your company name. A Prime broker will customize the interface and platforms for you, so that youll be running under your own logo. Your Prime broke will also arrange a trading server for the platform and clearance of all clients trades for you. You can also leave the handling of deposits and withdrawals for your Prime broker, so that all you need to do will be: marketing (to bring new clients) and customer support (to keep those clients). As a White Label youll be able to customize your own fee structure and dealing spreads to earn higher income. As an IB (Introducing broker) youll be sendingreferring all clients to your Prime broker, where they will eventually open a trading account. As an IB your goal will be to refer as many clients to your Prime broker as possible, because itll directly affect the income stream (commissions) youll earn for each referred client. For this type of business youll need no licensing or registration. All youll have to do is find and refer clients, which can be done via any website (most common way), word of mouth, including conferences and seminars, by utilizing own existing client base etc. Yes, its different. An affiliate doesnt need to be a Broker. An affiliate doesnt even have to have own website. An affiliate can post referral links on forums, other sites etc and earn commission from referral sign-ups. While Introducing Broker is a more serious partnership. An IB is essentially another Broker - you need a website at the very minimum. Then youll create a plan with your prime broker about client referrals, handling of sign-ups, customer support and even handling of depositswithdrawals (although the last one is usually done by prime brokers). January 14, 2017 how do i become an introducing broker, is it different from being an affiliate BrokerGuru January 10, 2017 Swiss brokers are all banks. Bancofx - is not a bank, although their name sounds like one. This broker is not regulated, although there in UK and should be registered wit FCA UK, but they are not, which makes it difficult to enforce anything on them. January 10, 2017 Hi broker guru. Where do I find out at what bank a forex broker bank. I want to know where does bancofx bank. They refuse to pay me back my money and profits. I have been requesting and trying for 4 months. If I can get the info my police department can get the info if they are Having money. Frankly I think they just scamsters. I need help please December 8, 2016 Definitely before becoming an Introducing broker, its better to find out all details about the Prime Broker. How By simply asking them to provide that information. The only other information readily available would be broker reviews - a good indication how broker treats its clients, whether it honors withdrawals and if there are any other problems. September 15, 2016 I am an introductory broker of a forex broker. But I still not sure this forex broker reliability in terms of financial standing and transparency. How can I gain more information on forex broker such as the ownership and annual financial performances. answering your questions directly, yes, any broker can cheat. Forex agents are not going to directly oversee your trading. The goal of a Forex agent is to bring a client (you) to the Main broker. If successful, Forex agent will earn commission. After that youre trading and dealing with the Main broker, and the agent is nowhere to push pries to reach your stop loss or shift the trend. Its all up to the main broker how to deal with your trades, and yes, cheating as you named it can happen. I wanted to know about forex agent. Is they can cheat to people 1. If will put stop loss, they can push to reach there. 2. Thread to going on one direction, while you will start threading suddenly they can moved to opposite direction Let me know anyone help for this question. BrokerGuru promoting your business with us can be done via banner ads. Thank you i work for company that make forex solution. any one need information about it please enter to the website i work for a FX Broker based in london and looking for people to do IB, WhiteLabel or just want to trader forex. We can work in any countries. January 28, 2016 Hi Guru Can u assist me plz m intending to trade as a forexib or white label in south africa, for the first time can u advice me where n how to start my email is molefeneo71gmail December 8, 2015 Hi I want to trade forex but I cant find a broker here in South Africa. Can you sugge st someI want someone who will break it down to rands. hi i want to become forex broker in india and what is the procedure step by step I want ib programm broker. I have international level client is available. Vallalarfinancialservicegmail September 22, 2014 how can I find any good law firm who can help me to register as a broker in Seychelles or any cheap country September 4, 2014 I can provide you complete forex solution with licensebank account website and all. Please contact me if you want to see the demo of the other brokers I am currently setting Up. My email. pankaj. singh(at)swissmail Hello Sir, I want to become a White Label Broker. But I dont know the process of White Label Broker. Kindly provide me the complete knowledge about this. I also want to know that is it legalized in India or not. Thanks amp Regards please please tell me with detail that how i can open a broker account please tell me with detail with procedure. i m from pakistan. BrokerGuru I wish I knew such steps for every country, but I dont, Im truly sorry. hello borex guru plz tell me in details ( step by step ) how to become a borex broker in hong kong February 2, 2014 Hello every one, I am working with FOREX company in South East Asia I just feel that they are charging clients too much. Id like to deal with company that has solid track record with a very competitive pricing. BrokerGuru December 26, 2013 Yes, Pankaj its legal to trade Forex in Hong Kong for both residents and non-residents. Besides, Hong Kong is among the largest foreign exchange markets in the world. December 13, 2013 hi forex guru i want to know that is forex trading in hong kong is legal. can non resident can trade in hong kong regards pankaj BrokerGuru December 5, 2013 To become a White Label you need to register a company, yes. You can register a company in any country, including your own country. It doesnt need to be registered in the same country as your Forex broker. December 4, 2013 im a individual person not having any firmcompany, if i want to become a White Label do i need to registered any company or it works just an IB. if yes then in my country should i registered a company or in that country where the main broker is registered. plz guide me . BrokerGuru both are brokers. A white label is a partner broker (think of a franchise company), but instead of being a branch under someones name, a white label broker operates under its own name. After that you can be a great franchise with exceptional customer service etc, or a not so great one, all depends on your business goals. What is the main different between while label and broker Mr. Please tell me. the step to setup brokerage firm thank BrokerGuru Setting a Forex brokerage - means opening and running a business obviously. Which means youll be earning profits by attracting clients who will pay spreads for trading through your company. Hi Mr. BrokerGuru Would you like to tell me what kind of benefits that I get if I set up broker firm February 20, 2013 If you need to become a broker. You can either purchase the entire platform MT4MT5 or just a white label. However in a white label you share the profits with your broker. Contact me for the licensed platform Skype - metaquotesancilla or 919619824272 BrokerGuru September 25, 2012 we dont have such data at this time. sanjay kumar September 25, 2012 hell0 sir i sanjay kumar from patiala punjab(india),want to know about how much fund is require to become a fx broker firm under financial service authority(UK) BrokerGuru Investment in Forex trading is a risky business. Your clients should be very well familiar with trading Forex e. g. be traders themselves, before considering any investments. If they never traded Forex themselves, its absolutely not advised to invest in Forex trading. Once decided, you should look at Forex managed accounts options amp focus on finding a good account manager. BrokerGuru Offshore capital requirements tend to change. Thus its always better to contact local regulatory bodies - its their job to provide comprehensive information on that. Regulatory bodies list: Forex regulation hello sir i have many client who can invest money but what is good for them and how can i do that i am not a broker Could you provide the offshore options for getting various licenses in different jurisdictions, with capital adequacy requirements for these licenses. BrokerGuru Unfortunately, we dont have such information, sorry. I seek information about how difficult is to open a forex broker company in South Korea if anyone knows. I found related laws and sites about the procedure but beyond that i could use a tip of general view in the korean market. See here: IB vs White Label forex brokers comment form September 8, 2011 and next i want know the fees of new broker in the forex how much minimum money for the new person who want be the broker in forex I need to hire a AP(Associated Person) to apply introducing broker(IB) in NFA. If any of you or know any one would like to join as AP for us please contact me messaca20gmail very much appriciate BrokerGuru The short answer: Yes, you can. The long answer: Depends if youll be able to find liquidity providers. They will want to see high volume. If you alone wont be able to generate this trading volume, then its also an option to create a group of tradersinvestors to meet these goals. I am trader who can do volumes and make a big investment, but Can I set up a seperate firm (brokerage house) privately and have a tie up with liquidity providers. BrokerGuru A - you need to study trading. This can easily be done online with the vast number of online resources teaching the basics. If youre totally new to Forex, you can even start with this basic school: babypipsschool B - start trading on a demo account. Demo accounts dont require any deposits. On this account youll test your skills and knowledge received while studying. C - in order to start trading with real money you dont need lots of capital. Nowadays, you can find brokers that offer even so called Cent accounts, where you can trade with cents (100forexbrokersmini-micro-accounts-comparison Scroll down tot he bottom of the article to find a list of brokers who offer Cents accounts). You can invest anywhere from 10 to 1000 or 10,000 depending on your skills and the risks youre willing to take. D. Z - thats all the costs. If youve got what it takes to become a succesful trader, youll earn money, but if your skills arent strong enough, youll lose a few first deposits before making any profits. That will be the only cost of your trading. Good luck Please provide a complete details on becoming a forex trader from a to z. with its costing. thanks BrokerGuru there is no difference. Dear BrokerGuru, Can you tell me the difference between Clearing House and Broker House. Please tell me Thank you BrokerGuru Thank you for the feedback We wont be able to recommendgive names of specific brokers, as our policy requires us to remain fully unbiased. However, for your goals youll need to look for brokers who are at least 7-10 years in business. They will provide stable and guaranteed rewards with many flexible options to chose from. They also have the largest base of IBs and a large number of offices worldwide, which is an important factor too. Write your comment or a review BROKERS BY COUNTRY Whos online There are currently 15 guests online. copy 2008 mdash 2017 100FOREXBROKERS ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDAfter entering into the field of actual trading. Now that practiced trading on the nature of using an account by default, for example, for several months and has become a have a minimum of experience and having developed a method in trading depends on the specific way in the price movement analysis and proved to you this way efficacy results of a good process in the default account and for a relatively long period. It has now become ready, in principle, the actual trading. Applying the previous rules you specify the amount of money to trade him and you choose the brokerage firm and opened an account with them to begin with minimized since now the real journey in the world of speculative stock exchange of international currencies. Through practice that youve made in the previous period has become well-versed course currency movement and thus became familiar with the nature of the risks of working in this field, how you can reduce these risks to the maximum extent possible There are a lot of rules that must be followed before and during logged in the transaction, including: The first rule: Use the command to reduce the loss. Second rule: do not lose more than 2 - 2.5 of your account per transaction. The third rule: relied on the analysis of entry and exit. The fourth rule is: do not fall in a deal unlike mile price. The fifth rule: do not trade at such times and conditions are not appropriate. And we will explain in some detail the rules of extreme importance. Is used to reduce the loss One of the main rules in stores alwayes trade with stops. We talked on the page types of orders for the reduction of stop loss order and ordered Pena basic rules in dealing with him. In fact, among all kinds of commands is to reduce loss order is the most important and most necessary. Because the reduction of loss order is the main line of defense in your protection. Do not expect a true all the time. Has made the effort required in the analysis, but is what makes the price movement is happening begins in Maakcetk where you start facing the loss with each point teases the price. This thing is expected in extreme market volatility as a market currencies. Here comes the role of reducing the loss order, which will close the deal before they multiply your loss to a large extent. Put the reduction of loss order before entering into the deal is a recipes professional. After that analyzes the shops price movement of a currency and decide on the basis of this analysis is to enter into a deal selling the mother of Hraoua determine beforehand the point will be closed then the deal in case of loss prior to entering into the deal and that that, for example, says: I think that the euro will rise shortly after so Sastraeh price as well but if you did not rise as I expect I Saglq loss when the price of the deal as well. This is because the predetermination to point out Taqi shops loss from falling below the psychological effect in the hope of the return of the price later. And to do so is often the difference between successful and unsuccessful shops. Discipline Decipline and strict adherence with data analysis and ignore the psychological impact is one of the most important success factors in the speculative stock market and therefore one of the main reasons for the high financial income that comes with success. The second rule Do not lose more than 5 of your account in one transaction When you decide to enter into a deal will determine the point at which it will enter a buyer or a seller of a currency. Point that will come out then if Axk price and suffered the loss will be determined. The amount you can afford to lose in a transaction must be no more than 5 of your total. What does this mean Suppose that you have a regular account by 10,000 and decided to engage in a transaction, it means that you can calculate the price that will come out in the case of loss will not exceed the loss that occurred for 500 which is equivalent to 5 of your total. For example: if you have bought 1 lot at a price of GBP GBP USD 1.4500 on the basis that the price will rise shortly after the Vine will put the reduction of loss order Put him at the price of GBP USD 1.4450. Thus, you determine your loss of 500 USD which is equivalent to 5 of your account. What if you bought 2 Lott If the price reached GBP USD 1.4450 be your loss is 100 because you have 2 Lott and not 1 lot, and this amount is equivalent to 10 of your account so you have two options: either to be closer to exit in case of loss of the price: GBP USD 1.4475 point or not Lott originally buy only one. I have mentioned when talking about the reduction of the loss is that you can not put it very close to the logged in price and 25 points are very close to the logged in point may not be whether to put the reduction of loss order at a price of 1.4475 is not left in front of you, however, do not buy more than one lot one. If you find it difficult to understand the former ideals remember the following: You know that the size of the loss depends on the number of points you lose and on the size of contracts (croaker), who enter it. The more points you lose more than the amount that you lose 0.10 for every point in the normal account and 1 for each point in the mini account. The greater the number of contracts purchased in the deal, the more profit in the event of increased profit and loss in the case of loss. When you enter a deal to put the loss point so you will not lose in this deal more than 5 of your account. On this basis, choose the number of contracts and the price that would put the reduction of loss is with him. If your purchase for 2 Lott will make you lose more than 5 of your account does not even buy 2 Lott Lott Buy one. Though the price that would put him reduce the loss order will make you lose more than 5 of your account - that happened - you bring the price of the entry point for more. That not less than the difference between the entry price and the price reduction of loss for 30 points as mentioned. Why should I do that If you comply with this rule, force you not to rush to buy large amounts of contracts in anticipation large profit. Yes, the purchase of 10 will give you a lot of enormous profits that have ratified expectations, but in return will cause heavy losses if you believe your expectations. If the size of large contracts entered did not believe expectations have to lose everything you have money and you can not then even get a chance to make up for what I lost. But if that is not committed to lose more than 5 of your account, it means that he will remain in front of you the opportunity for a wide compensation of the lost money and protect your account if exposed to several successive losses. Not included in the deal, unlike mile Price Price mile friend shops Trend is your friend I mentioned in a page-mile price that this one of the main rules that Stsamaha much in the analysis of all the financial markets. It is often adhered to a significant cause of success. How restrictive upon this rule That are not included in the deal as opposed to the general trend of price mile. When you analyze the chart for one currency will be one of the most important goals is to identify the tendency for the price of this currency any general direction of movement of the currency rate. Is the exchange rate goes up up trend Or downward down trend Or that the price is almost unchanged side away When reached to answer this question, an analysis chart in multiple time frames must be put to enter As a deal in the direction of the price and interfere reversed. For example: if we assume that you have reached the mile pound tends to rise. Is supposed to be all your transactions on the pound is buying the pound and not sell it. This is because the general trend is the rise of the pound even if the price of the pound is currently declining at any moment return to rise. So always make sure to enter a buyer for the fairy and not him as a salesman. You if you sell the pound would be in your best interest to price decreases more and this tendency opposite to the price, which is in high probability of occurrence is less than the possibility of ascension. When a mile currency rising tendency Uptrend sure to be a buyer for this currency. When mi currency downward tendency Down trend sure to be a salesman for this currency. Because the likelihood of continued price movement with the general trend is greater than the probability Maacksth the general trend. The obligation to enter into the direction of tilt trend is liable to make your transactions more successful than your transactions losers, but it is said that this tendency is the friend of shops. And what if the price mile either side of side away is not any upward or downward Do not trade the currency that you can not know whether upward or downward tendency. If the currency in which the sequencing of a mile either side, wait until it starts to determine the direction of the price movement up or down because the tendency lateral means that the market is reluctant to raise or lower the value of the currency and that demand is equivalent to the show, and usually it is because Aistmr too quickly will determine the market trend is the movement currency. Even the market sets the trend, do not wait to trade in the lateral inclination. The fourth rule Relied on the analysis of entry and exit As we said, it is necessary to have reached a method of analysis has proven successful in the trading account by default and actual trading. It relies on intuition in your decisions when buying and selling will only lead to loss after loss, even though this intuition truth sometimes. Human nature imposed on shops falling prey to the psychological effects before and during the entering into a deal. He highlighted the psychological feelings facing shops are: Fear Fear and Greed Greed. And are far more enemies shops agreement everyone. Greed has paid shops to enter into a deal before they have studied the market rationally and before that analysis proves the safety of the decision. The dealer may be in a successful deal, but does not close the deal and get more profit in anticipation of profit despite the fact that the analysis on the need to alert you close the deal immediately, what is the result The result is to become a loser after you a winner. So simply Fear has paid shops from entering into a deal despite the fact that all the evidence indicates that her chart analysis confirms the safety of the decision to enter. The stores included in the deal after a long analysis, but what to enter until the price starts at Maacksth Vidfh fear of increasing the loss to close the deal early on the loss despite the fact that the analysis does not indicate the need to get out, what is the result The result is that the price in the direction of the profit back even a little bit of patience shops to become a winner rather than a loser out without unnecessary. This is what we mean when we say that the need to rely on the analysis of entry and exit. This is because the psychological effects are the greatest enemies of shops at all and that makes these feelings for buying and selling decisions for you is the basis of suicides in the area of speculation in the financial markets in general and in the currency market in particular. What should I do Commit analysis When assure you technical analysis chart by knowing mile price and points of support and resistance and through you continue to data indicators and you compare all of this on more than one time frame, if concluded that the currency will rise do purchase it and if found it will drop Sell yours apart from the feelings about it. Do not run behind the hope of profit opportunities, but Mark opportunity come to you and let the analysis is to confirm that you do so. When you are logged in a deal indicators and began to suggest to you that the price movement began to walk the opposite direction you get out immediately so If I were a feel that the price will return and go in a profitable direction for you, as this feeling often is the result of conflicting feelings of fear and greed, not a form of Cruel grasp the future. In fact, the strict adherence to the former al-Qaeda is not easy at all, we are human beings and we have difficulty separating the feelings of fear and greed during the course of the deal, so they say need to practice for the maximum amount of time because the practice is only able to train shops that focuses reputation on what he says analysis and not what you say own feelings. Do not trade in the times and circumstances is appropriate Chart analysis and follow-up exchange rates require a lot of time, effort and patience intellectual. If you were not fit physically, psychologically and intellectually for trading is better that do not trade on that day. There is no trade and you sick or in psychological or intellectual abnormal condition, this may lead you to incorrect decisions and hasty. If a bad deal closed is better to leave the trade for a few hours so you can restore psychological and intellectual calm does not resort to the method will not leave the trading day even redeem the lost That may bring you more loss Because it may push you to enter into deals incautiously and impulsive. Loss in trading in the stock market is a reality inevitably regardless of your abilities and experience. No one can be expected to believe all the time. And when you realize that the loss in trading is normal inevitable, a price must be paid between now and then it helps you to accept this loss. Lost today You can not quite make up for this loss tomorrow or the day after tomorrow Indeed, trading in currencies, full of opportunities and all we want is to take advantage of only one chance. And do not forget that this applies to all areas of the business as it applies to the stock exchange speculation, although his appearance in the stock market and highlighted more clearly than others. Ja. You are not forced to open up a deal in every day. If you were not fit to trading is better to not offer to trade until you find the appropriate time and circumstance. Extreme volatility of currency movement makes many market opportunities and very dangerous at the same time. The higher the risk is higher than the possibility of profit. And dealing with a very sensitive market as a market currency requires a lot of stores of intellectual and psychological effort and requires patience and discipline to the fullest extent possible. And to abide by previous rules before entering into the field of actual trading and after entering it will enable you to be a winner most of the time and this is all very traffickers seeking to profit in the financial markets work. You must be concluded that you understand the basis of margin trading system that the fastest way to make large profits several times higher than the invested capital. Van able to trade with a value of 100,000 euros, for example, in exchange for paying the amount of 500 as a deposit refundable and then you hold a full profit and if you already owns this amount, is liable to bring you return which exceeds several times the amount that Ststthmrh in trading and by more than any other form of dividends forms of investment, including the Aigas. All you had to do is to buy the currency that you expect to rise and sell when they actually go up. Or to sell the currency that you expect to go down and buy when you actually go down. For every point of a high price when you purchase the currency you get 10 for each lot of currency (in the ordinary account) case. For every point a low price when you buy a currency you get 10 for each lot of currency. Currency rates in constant motion around the clock in any currency per day moving average of between 50-200 point up or down. This means that there is always an opportunity for enormous profits every day. Fired to unleash your imagination and imagine how you will be able to earn points daily. 50 points, for example, this means 500 profit on each lot traded by. And so on. Valmtager currencies in particular do not fear a recession but do not fear Aehmh sales and lower prices to rise or fall. Valamkaneh always available for profit, whether the sale or purchase of currency and whether the price rose or fell. The profit content and a huge and fast. The ratified expectations, here are the crux, and here the crucial chapter between profit and loss. Yes, the forecast that the currency will rise So I bought youll get 10 for every point of a high price. But what if the price rises Will lose 10 for every point drop price. If the price went down 50 points to lose 500 and this amount will be deducted from your account. This is in fact true currency trading or trading in any commodity or service whatsoever. If the price of the commodity falls below the purchase price will suffer a loss. Any dealer withholds the purchase of a commodity for trading only after it is expected that the price will rise, but that does not mean that it ensures that the right to expect. There is nothing in the content of this world. The issue is expected to rely on the merchants health, the merchant was an experienced and knowledgeable in the market, the forecast will be correct most of the time, but not necessarily all the time. This is enough to achieve the merchant net profit every month. And so are trade and investment There is always a risk in the face of loss element. It does not want to risk that he Aitager originally. As far as the possibility of profit risk ratio. Investor who deposited money in the bank in return for annual benefits will not get more than 4 return on its investment in the year. As for who invests his money in currency speculation gets lost profit to exceed 1000 return on investment possible and so much more. What is the difference The difference is the ratio of risk In exchange for that you get a return on 100 Guaranteed you will not get more than 4 annualized return. But in order to get a payoff of up to 1000 and more you have no choice but to face the risk of loss. A fact that applies to all forms of investment and trade in any commodity anywhere in the world. As I learned the trading currencies check enormous material gains On the other hand there is a very high risk of investing in speculative currency. It is a fact that must be learned well: It is that investing in speculative currency is considered one of the most dangerous forms of investment at all. There is a possibility to win dozens of times the amount that it will work. Yes, this is possible. There is a possibility that you lose all the amount that it will work. Yes, this is also possible. What is the risk in speculating on exchange rates The answer can be summed up in one sentence. Extreme volatility High volatility Currency prices change constantly and prices fluctuate all the time, which is highly vulnerable to economic and political variables and sometimes unexpectedly. This nature in the currency makes the sign of the direction of the price is not easy at all. As mentioned, the currency movement daily rate ranges between 50-200 points up or down, if these points against which turned to physically youll find that this means huge sums day can you earn or lose. This depends on the health of your expectations. Can expect exchange rates As I learned from the previous answer. Ja. The movement of exchange rates, though very fluctuation and volatility, but it is not random but the movement founded and tendencies trends could be foretelling in advance and often believe these expectations, which means huge profits. And now you know that you can expect prices of currencies through the analysis of both types of key: Technical Analysis Technical analysis of economic news and analysis Fundamental analysis. And as you know we mean to do follow-up analysis of price movement for a period of the past even infer the possibility of future direction. You can not expect that reaction someone to Atarafh. But if dealt with him became learn previous reactions to different situations you can expect his future to do a certain position. Of course there is a difference between the behavior of humans and between the movement of the price, but the price is ultimately a reflection of the demand and supply being done by people around the world. And supply and demand is affected by certain economic and political variables are known. If, in principle, can analyze the expected price movement forecast price direction and thus can be invoked by taking the buying and selling decisions. But in spite of that Vlaci content. Variables that affect the movement of prices and many times contradictory. This makes the sign of the direction of the price of a currency - or share or commodity - a matter of probability. It was more likely that the price of the currency will rise will purchase it and vice versa. As far as your practice and you continue to exchange rates and the extent to expand your knowledge of that area as far as increase your experience and your ability to correct expectation. This is an issue that requires a lot of effort and time and follow-up and insist. An issue that is worth the effort because the material yield high. and very high. If so how can mitigate risk in speculating on exchange rates There are two main phases: 8226 Before entering into this area originally. 8226 After entering into this area. Each stage abide by the rules leads to alleviate the level of risk to a minimum, giving shops the greatest opportunity for success. These rules are called general rules of risk management Risk management rules, which we will discuss in detail because of their great importance. Before entering into the actual trading There are some basic rules that must be followed literally before the actual trading, namely: The first rule: Do not trade with real money long before the training and practice. The second rule: the investment amount that you can afford to lose entirely. The third rule: start trading mini account. And we will explain the rules of extreme importance: Non-trading real money before the actual training and practice Yes. You can not run the risk that your money in the field to understand where nothing. Must first be locked in this area by trading virtual Demo you can open a virtual account placebo and then buy and sell currency to this account, if I gained added profit to your account and if you lose deduct the loss from your account, where are all the processes in terms of procedures and how to implement the orders and exchange rates and all that respect to trade like a real account but it does not contain money lost if you will not lose anything actually. The default account is the indispensable need to learn how to trade currencies prices without suffering a real loss, where you will be able to practice and gain experience and test your expectations and learn a lot a lot about the movement Alosar and nature without losing something. And after they have practiced virtual trading for as long as possible and after becoming confident of the health of your expectations and your understanding of the movement of prices and influences that affect them and only then you can start trading with real money. How is the period in which they must exercise where a default account As long as possible. In fact, can not determine a certain period, but that depends on the issue of up to trust yourself and understanding the nature of the market and the accuracy of your expectations. Flaani to achieve a profit in a few trades that you may become fit to trading real money, these results may be the result of coincidence and no more, but can not deny that it only after the results Tc process is ongoing profits for a long time. In short. You only can decide when to move the actual trading, If you want specifically, we say you should not be the actual trading begins six months of trading before calculates Default Before prove practical results that improve your style behind a month months. In the end The decision is yours alone. Snrushdk to brokerage firms addresses that allow you to open an account for free by default, and most of these companies will allow you to do so for a period of one month, but we recommend that you renew it several times. Do not forget that even professional traders always have a virtual accounts are testing out new methods of forecasting and trading and learn a lot of them without having to suffer the loss. Default Valhassab the need for professional and inevitable for the novice. The second rule Investment amount that you can afford to lose entirely One of the basic rules to avoid the negative effects of the risks of currency speculation. When you decide to begin actual trading and determine the amount of your account open it must be able to lose that amount entirely without affecting the physical situation. What does this mean This means that you can not in any way that trade Astdntha funds for this purpose. Or be traded funds represent a large percentage of your savings. But for only Atbdo that lost entirely will not affect the physical situation dramatically. As we said, the speculation on the currency investment with a high risk, it put all your money in such an area is very crap without a doubt. Ja. Its great to fight in this lucrative field, it is necessary that Atadhaa yourself a chance of large and rapid material gains can be achieved in this market, but the mind every mind telling you that to let the lure of these profits Tamik about the fact that speculation in the currency is a risk high may cause Bouksartk for the entire amount in your account very quickly. Some have made millions from behind the speculation in the currency markets and other market. Some have gone bankrupt from behind the work itself. So it is advisable for people wishing to start trading real money to ask himself the following question: How is the amount that can be sacked by going against the experience in this area The answer varies from one person to another depending on the circumstances and objectives and the potential of each person. Start trading mini account That we mentioned in the table on page normal mini account and the account see the main difference between a mini account plain account. As you can see, the mini account represents ten ordinary account in everything. It is the main rules that you must follow to avoid the ill effects of speculation on the currency after practice on a default account that the actual start trading mini account avoids heavy losses and earn you a good profit to be able to the currency market and be able to amplify your capital so you can then go into the trading unusual account . It is very necessary for every beginner that withholds actual trading only through a mini account first, even if the results of the exercise of the default account for a long time is excellent. Because there is a difference between the virtual trading account and the actual account. Many novices are making excellent results on the default account, but when they move to an actual account suffer loss or Aahakqon the same excellent level they have achieved in the default account. The answer: the psychological factor. It is one of the most important factors that influence the success or failure of shops. Valmtager who used to trade the default account knows that he will not lose anything on the truth and this makes it a high degree of mental calm and patience and the ability to withstand the temporary price changes. For example: Suppose you bought 1 lot of currency on the basis that the price will rise 100 points. As you know from the nature of the price movement that the price will rise once more connected. It will go up a bit, then fall, then return to high and then fall over and then rise again, and so the moment behind the moment. Ja. in the end, and after a few hours you will find that the price has already risen 100 points, as expected, but this is done in most cases gradually. For stores calculates the default issue does not affect him too much, he is when he sees that the exchange rate started to decline will not be afraid to anything as long as it is confident of Health to expect and why he knows that even if the expectation did not believe he will not lose anything so it Sasber that the price rises to 100 points as expected. The shops calculates the actual story is entirely different for him. When you buy 1 lot of currency and the price starts to decline, it will be seen that he began to lose from his account for every point of 10 in normal and 1 in the mini account account, and this time will cause him a lot of tension and fear of the increased loss was rushed and sell at a loss, but if patience is a little back to the price rise as predicted. Indeed, trading in the financial markets is a war of nerves in the first place. 50 and lose a lot easier than to lose 500 in one transaction. So the beginning of the actual trading account must be minimized even calculates the test yourself and see the impact of the movement of prices on the endurance and strength of nerves and this avoids a lot of the losses that you may experience that began directly in a normal account. You also need more practice and experience, and account mini earn you less risk and at the same time the possibility of achieving a very good profit. Then beware that the actual trading begins normal calculates Standard account Whatever your results in the default account excellent. May lead to the evaporation of your account within days. Actual trading starts only calculates the mini Mini account Always remember that. In fact, there are a lot of professional traders who content themselves to work in a mini account all the time, the profits of large and flexibility to make it a mini account is very attractive, especially for beginners and owners of small accounts. Keen shops in any kind of goods on which he plans to follow up this item traded price continuously in search for a suitable opportunity. You may be interested in trading in cars, for example, it is natural to be up to date car prices continuously If you find that the car price became too low Vstmutir to buy them on the grounds that the price will go up later, but you may find that it is appropriate to wait for some time before offering to buy you expects the price drops more to come back before the rise. This requires you to continuous follow-up and found that the price of buying a suitable offer to purchase, or wait until the price drops more then offers to purchase. As well as trading in currencies. When you are watching the currency waiting for the right opportunity to buy a currency when you expect that the price will not drop much, but then pick up, it may need to wait some time until the exchange rate then decreases more progress on the purchase. If we assume that you are watching the price of the euro was at this moment EUR USD .9000 And found through your analysis of price movement that the euro will fall more than that, but it will resume rising. What do you do Exactly. seize the opportunity immediately and buy euros because you expect the price will rise. Ask to buy euros at the current price. When you do that may be used first type of commands which the market is Market order. Market Order Market Order An order to buy or sell a currency immediately and the current market price. To go back to the previous assumption that the euro as EUR USD .9000 price Suppose you and through your analysis to the price of the euro, you expect that the euro will fall more before re-rise and you expect that the euro will fall first to be up to EUR USD .9850 and then re-rise. What do you do Yes. you have to wait until the price drops and up to 0.9850 and then you buy. But that may require you to wait several hours until the euro up to the price at which you expect, does it mean that you have to remain glued to the computer several hours waiting for this moment Here comes the role of limit orders in advance Limit entry orders It predetermined Limit Entry Order An order to buy or sell a currency at a predetermined price by you, if the price of the currency actually arrived to the price set will be implemented and if it did not reach the command is executed. In our previous example will determine the price of 0.9850 to buy and so you say to the brokerage firm you are dealing with: If you arrived to the price of the euro bought 0.9850 euros lot to me - or any number of croaker want - then you can leave the computer and attention to something else. If the price of the euro to 0.9850 already reached the company will buy you a lot of euros and if the price was not up to 0.9850 will not implement it. Will do so via command by platform workstation and used to deal with the brokerage firm status and youll find complete instructions on how to pre-set orders placed an issue that require only a few clicks of a mouse. This is the interest of limit orders in advance to give you a field of interest with other things without having to wait. Types of predefined commands There are four types of limit orders in advance all possibilities of the price movement of a currency which covers two things and two things out of the entry: Exit predetermined commands: Is the reduction of the loss Stop order. Limit order take profit order. Entry Orders predetermined: Order entry for the price of an apostate Entry limit. Order entry for the price of a continuous Entry stop. I hope you do not feel overwhelmed by these species, purpose of which is to cover all the possibility of price movement so that you can at your analysis to the price of the currency to put these commands to be executed automatically without the need to remain glued to a computer for long hours, and because of these types of commands shops can be makes his work in speculating on currency rates partly pursuant part time where all you have to analyze Saralamlh If arrived conviction about the direction of price movement will develop a sales or purchase orders and determined in advance where you can then leave your computer and attention to another job and you are assured that whatever price movement currency, the orders will be implemented in the form that you specified in advance and automatically and without intervention from you. With a little practice you will find that dealing with these commands a very simple matter. And now we will explain in detail each type of limit orders in advance: Exit predetermined orders Is the reduction of the loss Stop order Something which determines the price at which it will close the deal if the result is lost. For example: Suppose you bought a lot of euros at the price of EUR USD .9000 on the basis that you expect that the euro will rise after that. You know that every point rise by the price of the euro over the previous price to win 10 in normal - 1 in miniature - all point drop from the previous price of the euro price calculation account lose 10. Suppose you bought a lot of the euro the previous price and you would like to leave the system and stop the follow-up, but you are afraid to drop the euro and continue the meaning of the decline that your loss will continue to increase if the price dropped 30 points to lose 300, and if it continues more decline and fell 60 points to lose 600 and so on. You can specify in advance the maximum you can afford to lose this deal with the reduction of the loss Stop order is so that the pre-determined price at which the deal will close by in case of loss. In the previous example, I bought a lot of euros at a price of 0.9000 on the basis that its price will rise, will determine the price of reducing the loss of 0.9850 and so you say to the brokerage firm that buys you a lot of euros at a price of 0.9000. If the price dropped and began to lose and the price reached 0.9850 to shut the deal, fearing that price will continue to decline and thus bris has identified earlier in this deal for 50 points. You can then determine the price of reducing the loss of you leave your computer and you are assured that no matter what the euro has fallen will not lose more than 50 points because when the price of the euro up to 0.9850 and the company will automatically close the deal will not lose more. On what basis is determined by the price reduction of loss Answer: The issue mainly depends on your analysis of the movement of the exchange rate has reached to the conclusion that the euro after hitting a price of 0.9000 will rise and on that basis decide to buy it, but that does not mean that the price when actually up to 0.9000 will resume the rise immediately but could fall some more thing to 0.9890 and then re-elevation may fall to 0.9875 and then comes back up, no matter how accurate your analysis was rarely able to determine the point at which the price rise comes back exactly. But you through price movement analysis up to believe that the euro if it arrives for the price of 0.9850, this means that the wrong your analysis - or is there has been political or economic circumstances - and therefore as long as the price reached to this point, it will not come back to rise and will continue to decline, at this particular point will put the price of reducing the loss at any price you lose with it the hope that the price will resume rising. Importance of reducing loss order There is a rule that says: Always trade with stops which do not trade only after it determines in advance of your loss. What does this mean Often buy some currency traders on the grounds that the price will rise or sell a currency on the basis that its price will fall, but things do not go as expected and the price starts Palmaxh starts loss: 20 points. not quite pick price improvement. but it is not getting better. 40 points. it does not matter will return for improvement. but it is not getting better. 80 points. great my loss has become perhaps Ill wait for the price improves lighter than my loss. but it is not getting better. 120 points. problem I can not accept this loss will wait Perhaps the price is improving, even a little bit. but it does not get better. 200 points. Wow Ialitny accepted the loss when she was 40 points. So as you can see to leave things without pre-determined price, which will close the deal in which in case of loss makes you vulnerable to the psychological impact on the hope that the price is getting better and returning to profit or at least mitigate the loss may result in your this hope because multiply your loss several times, which makes you have to accept a heavy defeat. So which is better to be exposed to such a critical position or that you have determined in advance the price at which you lose hope for him on the basis of analysis and not on the basis of the psychological impact. it connects you to the analysis that the price if Axk 40 meaning that point he would not return for improvement and that your analysis was wrong or may may have occurred in the circumstances of what will not be back after the price of the improvement, the losing 40 points better than to lose 200 points could mean thousands of dollars. Accept for the loss, Ltd. is a professional recipe shops. It is important that this loss be based on analysis and not on the basis of expectations based on the psychological effects which have claimed many of the traffickers accounts. Question: If I will set my loss at a point very close to the point of entry so as not to lose too much if Okhtit in the analysis, for example, if you bought the euro at 0.9000 I will set my loss at a price of 0.9895 if any mistake analysis will not lose more than 5 points and the better right Answer: No, not as well. Are you one hundred percent sure of that when the price reaches 0.9000 exactly will resume rise As mentioned, even if your analysis is correct rarely able to determine the price at which the price will come back with him to appreciate exactly. Price was up to 0.9890 and then re-height If you have identified your loss at 0.9895 meaning that you will come out a loser 5 points at a time when your analysis it is true, if you are given more room to yourself and the patient a little bit out of the winner instead of a loser out of 5 points. You can not define your loss at a very close because you do not know the exact price you pick has a price rise. You may not be your loss and determine the price is too far so as not to become a heavy loss. It is like a middle range. The adequacy of any remote area, so give yourself for profit and so close to the adequacy of your loss limit as much as possible in the event of a loss. If km point should I set the price reduction of loss The answer: You must make the analysis is the basis for determining that, but initially prefer not to at least limit the point of loss of 30 points or Andmatstrae euro on the price of 0.9000 is not preferable to determine the loss of more than 0.9870 because it is very contained the price drops up to this point and then return to high. In fact, the point is that place then the price reduction of the loss stop is one of the most important decisions that must be identified in the transaction is an issue that depends on your ability to withstand the loss on your analysis and your style of trading is generally accurate an issue vary from one person to another and improve practice and train for and training. Lets take some examples of how to limit the point of loss: Would buy a lot of euros at a price of EUR USD .9850 select the stop loss point The answer: we will put something to buy the euro on the price of 0.9850 and put the stop on the price of 0.9810 and thereby determine the loss that got 40 points. Lott will sell at a price of GBP GBP USD 1.6098 select point loss Answer: We will put selling price is 1.6098 and we put the stop on the price of 1.6143 and thereby determine the loss that got 45 points. The yen will buy on the price of USD JPY 118.50 select point loss The answer: we will put something to buy at the price of 118.50 yen important to us that the yen rises against the dollar, so we will put the stop at a price of 119.00 because if the price reached 119.00 meaning that for the yen fell. Valin currency indirectly, and thus determine losing by 50 points. Will sell the Swiss franc on the price of USD CHF 1.4560 select point loss Answer: We will put the sale price at 1.4560 and concerns us here is to drop the price of the franc, we will put the stop at 1.4500 because if it came to that price be the franc has risen Vafrenk currency indirectly, and thus define our loss with 60 points. Is the reduction of the loss Stop order When you buy. be the stop point less than the purchase price. At the point of sale. be the biggest stop of the sale price. When you buy. be the stop point is greater than the purchase price. At the point of sale. be the stop is less than the sale price. Take profit Limit order is Something which determines the price at which he has closed the deal in the case of a profit. For example: Suppose you bought a lot of GBP price and what you expect the pound to rise 80 points. In order to get the profit you should wait until the Fairy actually rises 80 points may require several hours, you can use here is take profit limit order sets the price that you want to close the deal in the case of a profit. Vlovrdhana you bought Fairy at a price of 1.6000 and you expect the pound to rise 80 points, you can then put take profit order at a price of 1.6080, ie you say to the brokerage company if the price of the pound 1.6080 closed the deal for, will execute this command automatically without the need to be present in this moment. You can set this up after you leave your computer and you are assured that if the price reaches a point at which you selected will be able to reap a profit without the fear that the price back down and you get lost and so the opportunity to get 80 points. On what basis can I put my take profit point Issue depends on the shops and on the style of trading Strategy Some specify in advance a certain number of points and some specify a fixed amount, but the best method must be determined on the basis of analysis If the analysis indicates the likelihood of the currency for a certain number of points higher before they fall back is better to be determined point take profit limit order at this point or a point close to it. Lets take some examples of how to determine the take profit points: I bought a lot of euros at a price of 0.9500 select the take profit points Answer: We will put profit-taking point limit order at a price of 0.9550 which we ask the company to close the deal when the price of the euro up to 0.9550 and thus we define a pre won by 50 points. Sold at a price of 163 1.6230 select the take profit points. The answer: the deal started to sell and profit is achieved if the pound fell, we will take profit order at a price of 1.6170. Thus, we define profit by 60 points. Yen bought at a price of 118.50 select the take profit points. Answer: I will put take profit when the price of 118.00 points, when the yen for this price have risen 50 points up, this matter may be identified Rbjee with 50 points. I sold the Swiss franc at 1.4500 select the take profit points. The answer: the profit achieved when the price is reduced because the process franc began to sell, I will put profit point at a price of 1.4620, and so I have identified a 70-point profit. Take profit Limit order is In the case of the purchase price will be reaping the profit is greater than the purchase price. In the case of the sale price will be reaping the profit is less than the purchase price. In the case of purchase reap the profit is less than the purchase price. In the case of the sale of profit-taking is to be greater than the purchase price. If you find it difficult to understand or keeping these rules would be useful and very easy for you to remember the following charts showing where will put the reduction of loss Stop order is and is reaping the profit Limit order direct and indirect currency and in the cases of buying and selling each of them as you can see in the following table : Direct currencies such as the euro and the pound When you buy direct currency A Stop command in the bottom of the purchase price chart And be ordered Limit above the purchase price in the chart Because when you be interested in buying candles rise in the graph As you can see in the chart below When selling direct currency Stop command is the highest selling price in the chart And be ordered Limit down sales in the chart price Because when you be interested in selling candles down in the chart As you can see in the diagram below The other way in which the price movement analysis, a method which is based on the study of economic and political influences and predicted impacts on the movement of the price of a currency. If the technical analysis based on the study of price movement only, the news analysis is based on an analysis of the reasons for this movement. Economic and political effects may be long term or short term. Long-term economic influences, is what he is examined by economists and by analyzing the economic situation of the country and compare the economic situation of other countries in an attempt to estimate the impact on currency rates, and such an analysis requires a broad economic background are not available to non-experts, such an analysis is beyond the functions of the normal shops who trades currencies on a daily basis and on the basis of quick transactions, but is within the interests of the large financial institutions that would be interested to exchange rates foresees a long range of up to years ago to invest huge sums in the purchase or sale of these currencies. As for the regular stores, the news analysis interested in the following form: Every day the major economies such as the United States, Japan, the European Union as a whole and Europe Home such as Germany, France, Italy and Britain separately are these countries a week to issue a lot of special economic data for each of them, this data directly affect the exchange rates for these countries. For example: the euro is high it may be against the dollar at a price of EUR USD .9850 but at eight oclock EST (EST) issued US economic data indicate the strength of the US economy in certain aspects, the emergence of such data to the rise in the US dollar could lead to become after EUR USD 0.9700 hours, for example, data such as these reinforce investor confidence in the US economy, which helps to increase the demand for the purchase of shares and American investments and thus increase demand for the dollar, leading to high price against the euro. The exact opposite happens if the bad economic data for the US economy. Such economic data that affect exchange rates for short periods, such as the impact of interest to myself shops currencies. Sometimes one of the officials in the countries in one of the major economic issue a statement which could lead to the high price of the currency or fall. For example: the Japanese Central Bank President may authorize a permit may lead to the rise or fall of the yen against the dollar, sometimes dramatically. How do I know about the emergence of this economic data and statements The most brokerage firms offer stores graphs Service currency rates paid or free service, they provide news service where can shop through the charts of the major news and read up immediately stores the program. There are plenty of sites that offer news service of interest to shops currencies is free shops can access these sites and read the news. Do not worry. it does not mean that you are obliged to stare all day on your computer waiting for news or economic data. Important economic data is to be known in advance the date where you can get from many sites on the agenda Calendar for the most important economic data to be released next week, in the form of a table showing the state in which the statements will be issued and the type of data, time and predicted the experts of the data that will be issued. If there are important data can know in advance of the date immediately following the result by the news service provided by your brokerage firm or by specializing in news sites like forexnews. You are also using the WAP technology you can read this news by your mobile phone or laptop by LAPTOP What is the most important economic data to be issued There is a lot of data which is published weekly, we will mention the most important of these data and their impact on exchange rates: Consumer Price Index Consumer Price Index (CPI) An indicator to measure the rise in commodity prices for the consumer. The higher this index was greater compared to the previous month, or month to month compared to the same period of the previous year, year to year, the impact will be negative for the currency as its price falls often. For example: if the consumer price index in the United States 3 for the month of December, while it was 2.5 in November, it is a bad news for the US economy because it means a rise in inflation, could lead such a story to the low dollar against the following currencies and this compared month to month Month to Month (M M). The comparison with the month of December of the previous year compared to the year called for the year Year to Year (y y). Producer Price Index Product Price Index (PPI) An indicator to measure the rise in commodity prices for producers and manufacturers in the production inputs. The higher this index increased currency goes down. Retail Sales Retail sales index An indicator measures the rate of sales in the consumer goods, the higher the rate rises because the sales price of the currency rise guide to the health of the economy. Wholesale sales index Wholesale index Index measures the producers who sell their goods wholesale sales, the higher the rate rise because the high price of the currency wholesale sales guide to the health of the economy. The budget deficit Balance deficit An indicator measures the level of the deficit in the state budget, and whenever led to currency devaluation deficit rose to this state. Trade Balance Trade balance It measures the extent of the surplus or deficit in the exports and imports of the state, the state that have a trade surplus with another country or the world with its exports of goods will be more than its imports, and vice versa for the State that the trade deficit. Whenever the trade deficit increased to state whenever led to lower the price of its currency. Unemployment rate Unemployment rate It measures the number of citizens of working age who are not finding work, the higher the unemployment rate increased led to currency devaluation because it shows the weakness of the economy in this country. Jobless claim jobless benefits It measures the number of citizens who receive unemployment compensation from their governments, which is similar to the previous index has the same effect. Consumer Confidence Index Consumer confidence index An indicator measuring consumers confidence in the state and local economy, which is an important indicator, and the greater consumer confidence in the state economy, the higher the price of the currency. Product Confidence Index Producer confidence index It is similar to previously unknown but measures the producers and manufacturers confidence in the states economy index, the greater the producers confidence in the economy was a sign of the health of the economy leads to the high price of a countrys currency. GDP Gross domestic production (GDP) An indicator measures the volume of goods and services produced in the local economy, and the greater the volume of production was a sign of the economic activity which leads to the high price of a countrys currency. Key interest rate Interest rate It is a very important indicator little impact on the local economy, as officials in the central banks of each country meet to determine the key interest rate on loans, which in turn affect the interest rates on loans granted by commercial banks for producers and consumer prices. The decision of the Central Bank to identify key interest rate depends on the needs of the local economy and it does Officials in meetings either raise interest rates or slashing. The raise key interest rate leads to raise interest rates on loans and thus reduces the loan requested by the investors of the banks leading to reduce the pace of production and investment in the state, also cut key interest rates to help reduce the benefits received by banks when lending money to the producers, which helps to increase demand for loans and thus increase the pace of production and investment in the state. In fact, the effect of the interest rate on the currency rate decision varies between long-term and short-term impact of the effect, for the average stores, we can say that the high interest rates often lead to high exchange rate and a decrease leads to currency devaluation. Direct intervention Intervention The high price of the currency of a country he has pros cons on the economy of this state, and disadvantages that the rise in the nations currency rate affects exports where they become produced in this country that the highest price for the other countries, which reduces the import of other countries, including. For example, rising Japanese yen leads to higher Japanese prices for the countries of the world price and this leads as reduce other countries of imported Japanese goods and replace them with goods from other countries and this is no doubt would negatively affect the Japanese economy. So it is not always going to be the high price of the currency hello him. Once you find that the price of its currency, the state has become too high, which would affect the exports seriously deliberately direct intervention in the currency market, where they sell huge amounts of its currency to reduce their price. For example: When I arrived in the Japanese yen for the price of USD JPY 118.00 at one times price resulted because the Japanese central bank to sell billions of yen in global markets, which increased the supply of and led to lower its price to fetch up USD JPY 120.00, was the Central Bank so because it found that the yens rise will lead to lower exports of goods from Japan. So the decision to the central bank to intervene in the currency market is an important decision affecting the price of the currency of the country which intervenes. For example, if I learned through reading the news and economic analyzes that the central bank of the state will intervene in the case of the high price of its currency for a certain extent Fissehmk can not offer to buy the currency when the price becomes close to this limit because then the central bank may intervene and cause a sharp and fast in the price of the currency to decline. The major stock exchanges indicators Stock Exchange is the place to be bought and sold its shares of state companies, for example, in New York Stock Exchange is the main place that bought and sold its shares of American companies and the London Stock Exchange is the place to be bought and sold as British stock. Trading activity was measured in the stock exchanges of certain indicators called stock indexes and each has its own stock exchange index. For example: The Dow Jones DJI index is the index which measures the trading activity in the most important 30 US companies, high this indicator is evidence that the buyers of the shares of these companies percent more than the number of sellers, a sign of investor confidence in the US economy and the decline is evidence that the number of sellers of these shares greater than the number of buyers companies a sign of low investor confidence in the US economy. Thus, the rise in the Dow Jones index will lead to a strong dollar because it means that buyers of US stocks more, which means increased demand for the dollar and vice versa. As we all exchange traded index measures the activity: Index is called the London Stock Exchange, the Financial Times, which tracks the FTSE trading for the top 100 British company activity. The index of the Tokyo Stock Exchanges Nikkei-called NIKKEI which measures the trading of the most important 250 Japanese company activity. And Nasdaq NASDAQ is an indicator measures the trading activity in the top 100 US companies in the Nasdaq, which tend to affiliated companies as the mechanism of the technology sector companies. Thus, whenever the index has increased what led to the high price of the currency of the country followed by this indicator. In fact, the most important index ordinary matter shops is DJI Dow Jones index since the rise of this indicator is accompanied by mostly high for the price of the dollar against other currencies. Followed in importance NASDAQ NASDAQ. The rest of the stock indexes are rarely of interest to ordinary shops have to talk to make a difference on the currency rates. What we have said previously it is for important economic data and news that have an impact on exchange rates. As for the political news concentrated in political crises and periods of tension and wars between nations, in mostly the political tension of the state leads to lower its currency rate against the currencies of other countries where keen investors to dispose of their investments in the country that suffers from political crises and wars. It is often said that the capital coward. For example: the Gulf War between the United States and Iraq have led to a sharp decline in the US dollar against other currencies. Technical analysis is the basis of the analysis for the average stores Of the things that you care to learn is that ordinary shops dealing in buying and selling currencies on the basis of quick transactions begin and end on the same day probably more interested in the news analysis, technical analysis, follows the news and economic data on the currency rate misleading may be some thing. Has good US economic data issued without the dollar rises if the general situation leaning against the dollar. In fact, the direct impact that notices ordinary shops economic data on exchange rates is the psychological impact of the data more than the substantive effect, which may require a long period of time until it starts to take shape and appearance. Some say: It does not matter. important news is a reflection of the news on market sentiment. And often difficult to estimate this effect, but sometimes hard to understand. Does that mean it is the neglect of economic data and news completely Of course not. You can not be neglected but must be on prior knowledge of the most important economic data to be released each day and through practice and experience will be able to estimate the news that interests you from the news that the accused you know, and will help you a lot to read condensed economic analyzes issued by a lot of sites, many of sites will issue a brief economic analysis on a daily basis and sometimes more than once per day such analyzes and written by economists will draw your attention to the most important economic data and news to be released in this day and expected impact of her. You can read these analyzes through direct access to these sites - some of which we mentioned in the page source - or that share Subscribe at these sites to send these analyzes as a message to your email daily news Newsletter In most cases, have to participate in this free sites. Do not be afraid something. These analyzes concise and written for the average person to understand and train for some of you will be able to read and understand and will not take you to issue only a few minutes a day. How can if combining technical analysis and analysis of the news This is an important issue Sttalmha through practice and experience, and to give you an example of this: Lets say you and through technical your analysis of the graph for the movement of the euro against the dollar reached that the euro will rise after reaching a certain price, but you know that it will be issuing an important economic data after half an hour, for example, is better for you to wait for the release of this data before that you are buying the euro to see the impact of this data the price of the euro first. As a result of this data may decide the direct purchase of the euro with greater confidence may find that it is better to wait more or even cancel the purchase decision entirely. This is an issue as we mentioned is difficult to give fixed by the rules, but it is a question based on experience and practice. US economic data is the most important As mentioned, all major economies will issue economic data for each of them, but youll notice immediately that the most important economic data and the most influence on exchange rates is the US economic data, because the US economy is the largest economy in the world, as the US currency is a common currency between All the currencies in which it handles stores. Vsdor good US economic data may lead to higher dollar against all other currencies, and vice versa in the case of bad data, while economic data from France and Germany, they do not affect the mostly only on the price of the euro against the dollar. Often issued economic data for European countries without a clear impact on exchange rates occur unlike US data. It is important to pay US data - which are issued mostly in 8:00 pm EST (EST) - is particularly important, without neglecting other data. A final word in this part Your reading and understanding the third part of this book have become able to read graphs for exchange rates of the three kinds of major and able to understand these fees and get the information that interests you as soon as look at the graph. As has become so well acquainted with the concepts of chart analysis and the foundations of this analysis in terms of knowing the general direction of the price movement - mi price trend - and determine support and resistance points on the graph. It also became a learning something about the patterns and indicators and their importance in the analysis of price movement. This is in addition to your knowledge of the most important economic data, which clearly affect the movement of the currency and the impact of this data positively and negatively on the price of the currency. We have stated from the outset that the information in this book on the analysis of price movement artistic quality and news you can not out-sufficiency, the primary purpose of this book is to pave the way for you to go into this exciting field road. The information found here will help you get an idea of what price analysis and pave the way for you and help you to delve more theoretical knowledge from books and websites that well guide you to it. But you have to learn to master the basis of an analysis of price and therefore expect the issue of price movement based on the practice mainly accuracy and this is what comes from the expertise and experience which should not hesitate to do it whenever you get the chance. Do not wait to read everything about technical analysis even begin to exercise analysis. if you do that you will not finish reading. There are lots and lots of books, articles, magazines and websites specialized in the explanation and interpretation and promotion of new and old theories and principles of technical analysis. But Start Once you read this chapter to open graphs program and try to apply what you have learned in this chapter. Read the graph for each currency and in what time frame. see how they move candles and bars when it approached the support and resistance points. Try to put expectation for the price of the currency and see the result of this expectation. feedback record. anzer how exchange rates are affected after the issuance of various economic data. Repeat this work on an ongoing basis and make him the challenge is not without pleasure. Do not be afraid of the practice and experience. do everything and do not hesitate to apply all what you learn and read about the subject. The important thing is to practice because it is that gives you the experience that no one can give you them. During all that you do more to check the depth of your knowledge gradually. Let it simple Keep it simple It is famous for advice related to technical analysis. Yes, things do not hold. It is not a condition to rely on dozens of indicators and all the concepts of technical analysis in order to be successful, but the opposite is true. There are a lot of experienced traders with higher success does not depend only on the index or two points of resistance and support in their expectations of price movements and their expectations are often successful. It is not what is important is the large number of indicators and principles that are taken in the analysis, but the important thing is to engage in a timely manner and get out in time. Sometimes, when much of the concepts and indicators take it gives you mixed signals. may indicate that some of you sell while the other indicates that you buy. This will cause you a lot of confusion and bewilderment. We wanted it to say that you do not rush to understand all the theories and principles used in the analysis of price movement, but what we should do first is concerned with the process and applied practice what you learn. The experience and then the theoretical knowledge is the key to mastering the technical analysis of price movement. And remember Bank and the amount of time and effort that gives him in practice and learn technical analysis as much as accuracy, which will need to anticipate the direction of the movement of exchange rates And what this means of successful transactions may be translated in the form of financial profit is enormous. It was Traffickers Japanese rice markets in the seventeenth century were first invented and used method of candles in the expression of the price movement, and I have this method has proved a great effectiveness in the flour and clear expression at the same time for price movement, making it superior to Western-style in the expression of movement based on the rails bars Price is not in the rice market, but has also started in all financial markets, whether stocks or commodities or currencies. The benefit of Japanese candles were not limited to accuracy and clarity, but also that he has long been discovered that the forms of Japanese candles are better able to express the psychological state of the market and the nature of the conflict between the sellers who pay the price to drop and buyers who pay the price to rise any nature of the conflict between the Bears Bears and bulls Bulls or supply between the forces of supply and demand forces demand. It has been shown that the forms of candles give signals about what happens to the price in the market and thus can predict the direction of the price later hence the technical analysis using candlestick analysis method is similar shapes patterns that we talked about, but it depends on the forms of Japanese candles. It is a technique credibility appear in the relatively long time frame, such as the framework of the day, week, or at least the time in the time frame of at least so it loses a lot of credibility and accuracy. When the shops analyzed currency and candles to show the Japanese currency this certain ways, shops can be expected that the price of the currency will rise or fall later. The analysts gave each a form of Japanese candles its own names and their respective specifications and characteristics defined by There are two types of Japanese candles: 8226 Type indicates his appearance on that price will continue to rise. 8226 The type shows his appearance on the possibility of a reversal in price movement. Let us take an example: Called candle that do not have the body star Doji star. The candle that have no body means that the opening price equal to the closing price. The emergence of this candle may mean the possibility of a reflection of the price as you can see in the following manner As you can see, there was a three candles followed by a rising star Vmpmama explain that It was the price in the previous three days, close to the high On the fourth day become the opening and closing price equal, which means that the market may become reluctant to raise the price more than that and the display has become the equivalent of demand and this may indicate the possibility of a lower price in the next day. So-called star that comes after several candles rising star bearish bearish any points for a low price. See the following form: As you can see there are three plugs falling followed by star means that the price had closed down for three consecutive days, then the star appeared which refers to equal supply with demand, which may indicate that the market is reluctant to lower the price even more, and therefore it follows all of this decline rise in price in the next day. So-called star that comes after several candles bearish rising star bullish indicate any of the high price. Thus formed his star alone does not mean that the price will rise or Atkhvd even after the emergence of a rising star candles or a bear that is what gives meaning to the form. Valndjemh itself mean that there is a tie between the demand and raise prices by the forces of supply that lower prices forces and this refers to the frequency of the market to continue in the former direction. There are many forms is the star has a meaning varies by placing candles that preceded Among the most important of these forms to: Hanging Man Hanging man Morning Star Morning star Evening Star Evening star Three soldiers Three soldiers And a lot of other forms that are not without their names from the novelty. It is worth mentioning that the Japanese candlestick analysis, like other methods of analysis should be used for other types of Bladhafah and not independently. It is not enough to see his star rising after three plugs to control that the price will fall. Has incredible analysis this time But if the former star appeared and the price was close to the support of a strong resistance line as well as the RSI indicator, for example, he gives that the price is too high over bought Here you have three methods of analysis methods indicate the proximity of the low price and thus the probability of this happening becomes much larger than rely on one method. Japanese candlestick analysis has proved a real effectiveness in many financial markets, prompting a lot of professional analysts relied upon, although there was also a lot of analysts who do not turn a lot of this type of analysis. Analysis of Japanese candles subject of broad and needs you to look at and practice what we have mentioned here is nothing more than the definition and pave this innovative type of analysis, which reminds me of a personal horoscope reading by analyzing the symbols in the remnants of coffee cups However, the latter is nothing more than a fairy tale The analysis candlestick is a combination of science and art proved effective and only missed analysts to financial markets and their time in the study and use.


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